Demonstration of quantum anti-Zeno effect with a single trapped ion
Zhang Man-Chao1, 2, Wu Wei1, 2, He Lin-Ze1, 2, Xie Yi1, 2, Wu Chun-Wang1, 2, ‡, Li Quan1, 2, Chen Ping-Xing1, 2, §

(color online) Probability of finding the ion in state |2⟩ as a function of duration t2 of the collapse measurement process. The experimental data (solid circles) are obtained by repeating the sequence in Fig. 2(b) with the parameters showed in the figures. Compared to (a)–(c), (d) is obtained by weakening the power of the linearly polarized laser at 397 nm. The damped oscillatory curves are the fittings of the experimental data and trend to their stable values when t2 goes up. The straight dashed lines show the theoretical values with the same parameters by Eq. (2), which correspond to the ideal projection measurement case. Each point represents 500 experiments, and the error bars denote the error of the mean.