Typicality at quantum-critical points*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11734002 and 11775021), the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DMR-1710170), and a Simons Investigator Award.

Liu Lu1, Sandvik Anders W2, 3, †, Guo Wenan1, ‡

(color online) The derivatives with respect to g of ρs L (triangles) and Q (circles) at the best estimated critical point gc = 2.5222, graphed versus the system size on logarithmic scales. Three different projection times τ = aL were used; (a) a = 1, (b) a = 0.5, (c) a = 0.125. Different graphing colors refer to results obtained with different trial states. The solid lines with slope corresponding to the known value of the exponent, ν = 0.7112, in Eq. (20) are draw to show the expected large-L behavior.