High quality PdTe2 thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61390501, 61622116, and 61471337), the Science Fund from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (Grant Nos. XDPB0601 and XDPB0801), the CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program, and the Beijing Nova Program (Grant No. Z181100006218023). |
(color online) Structures of PdTe2 thin films grown on bilayer graphene (BLG). (a) Schematic crystal structure of PdTe2 of side (bottom panel) view. [(b), (c)] STM topographic images (1.7 V, 80 pA) of epitaxial PdTe2 films on bilayer graphene at (b) low coverage and (c) high coverage. Layer thickness is indicated in each panel. (d) Atomically resolved STM image (−780 mV, 1.6 nA) showing a terrace step. Inset displays line profile across the step. [(e), (f)] XPS results of bulk PdTe2 (black curves) and epitaxial PdTe2 films (red curves). (e) Te 3d core level spectra of bulk PdTe2 and as-grown films. Characteristic peaks have the same positions at 572.5 eV (3d5/2) and 582.9 eV (3d3/2). (f) Pd 3d spectra of bulk PdTe2 and as-grown films. Peak positions at 336.9 eV (3d5/2) and 342.1 eV (3d3/2) are also the same. |
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