Analysis of meniscus beneath metastable droplets and wetting transition on micro/nano textured surfaces*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21676041).

Li Yanjie2, Li Xiangqin1, Liu Tianqing1, †, Song Weiguo2, ‡

(color online) Changes of contact angle and IFE barrier Eb plus wetting work of sessile droplets before and after C–W translation on different textured surfaces. (a) experimental data originate from literature,[35]H = 10 μm when d = 5 μm, H = 30 μm when d = 14 μm; V = 5 μL, θI = 109°, θA = 109°; (b)–(d): experimental data originate from literature,[25]V = 3 μL, θI = 110°, θA = 116°, (b) d = 10 μm, H = 40 μm, (c) p = 50 μm, H = 20 μm, (d) H = 2 × d; (e) experimental data originate from literature,[16]V = 4.3 μL, θI = 107.5°, θA = 107.5°.