Configuration interaction calculations on the spectroscopic and transition properties of magnesium chloride*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grand Nos. 11564019, 11147158, 11264020, and 11574114) and Jiangxi Provincial Education Department Project, China (Grand No. GJJ170654).

Wu Dong-lan1, 2, Lin Cheng-quan1, Wen Yu-feng1, Xie An-dong1, Yan Bing2, †

(color online) The TDMs of the transitions (2)1/2–X2Σ + 1/2, (3)1/2–X2Σ + 1/2, (4)1/2–X2Σ + 1/2, (1)3/2–X2Σ + 1/2, and (2)3/2–X2Σ + 1/2.