Transport of velocity alignment particles in random obstacles*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11575064 and 11175067), the PCSIRT (Grant No. IRT1243), the GDUPS (2016), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2014A030313426).

Zhu Wei-jing1, Huang Xiao-qun2, Ai Bao-quan1, †

(color online) (a) Effective diffusion rate Dx as a function of the number of active particles na for polar, nematic and free cases. (b) Average velocity Vx as a function of the number of active particles na for three cases. The other parameters are: v0 = 1.0, D0 = 0.01, Dθ = 0.1, and no = 80.