Asymmetric response of magnetic impurity in Bernal-stacked bilayer honeycomb lattice*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11604166), the Zhejiang Open Foundation of the Most Important Subjects, China (Grant No. xkzw11609), and the K. C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University, China.

Sun Jin-Hua1, †, Tang Ho-Kin2

(color online) (a) The charge–charge correlation Ci and (b) the spin–spin correlation Si versus site i. i is along a zigzag direction in layer 1 of the BHL, and the impurity is located on top of site i = 0. Insets (a1) and (a2): details of C0 and C1. Insets (b1) and (b2): details of S0 and S1. In inset (b3), the sites along the red dashed (blue dotted) zigzag lines indicate the sites we consider for “case A” (“case B”), where the blue (red) circles represent the sites in sublattice A (B) in layer 1. The values of the parameters are chosen as V = 1.0t, U = 0.8t, εd = −U/2, and β = 1/T = 40t−1.