Effect of Mn substitution on superconductivity in iron selenide (Li, Fe)OHFeSe single crystals*

Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFA0303003 and 2016YFA0300300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574370), and the Strategic Priority Research Program and Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. QYZDY-SSW-SLH001, QYZDY-SSW-SLH008, and XDB07020100).

Mao Yiyuan1, 2, †, Li Zian1, 2, †, Zhou Huaxue1, Ma Mingwei1, 2, Chai Ke3, Ni Shunli1, 2, Liu Shaobo1, 2, Tian Jinpeng1, 2, Huang Yulong1, 2, Yuan Jie1, Zhou Fang1, 2, Li Jianqi1, 2, Jin Kui1, 2, Dong Xiaoli1, 2, ‡, Zhao Zhongxian1, 2, §

(color online) HAADF imaging and EELS for typical Mn-doped (Li, Fe)OHFeSe samples. (a) HAADF image of a sample thin flake recorded along [001] crystallographic zone-axis with schematic atomic models. (b) Typical background-subtracted EEL spectrum obtained from an area of 5 nm × 5 nm in an EELS–STEM mode, displaying the characteristic L3,2-edges for Mn and Fe. The inset shows a low magnification HAADF image of the specimen area for EELS–STEM measurements.