Advanced high-pressure transport measurement system integrated with low temperature and magnetic field
Guo Jing1, Wu Qi1, Sun Liling1, 2, †

(color online) Schematic phase diagram of Ce-based narrow-band metals. At low density, the Ce 4f orbitals are singly occupied and carry a static moment (arrows), subject to long-range antiferromagnetic order (red line). Increasing the lattice density (e.g., by hydrostatic pressure) raises the hybridization between more extended orbitals (single-hatched region) and the 4f states, leading to dynamical frustration (Kondo spin-flips; double arrows), which in turn suppresses long-range order and induces an anomalous normal state. In the simplest case, at some distance from the quantum critical point at Pc1, where magnetic order is fully suppressed, this state can be modeled as a high-effective-carrier-mass Fermi liquid. Sufficiently close to Pc1, magnetically mediated pairing may induce unconventional superconductivity (red dome). Further increasing the hybridization between localized and extended orbitals leads eventually to a less correlated, metallic state (intermediate valence region), in which the 4f electrons delocalize through stronger hybridization with ligand states and occupy wider energy bands at the Fermi energy (cross-hatched region). The transition from the heavy fermion to the intermediate valence configuration may proceed through a first-order phase transition that involves a collapse of the unit cell volume with no change in lattice symmetry (green dashed line), driven by the gain in cohesive energy associated with the wide-band 4f electron configuration. If the critical endpoint of the first-order line is low enough, the system may become sufficiently soft at low temperatures to allow a superconducting state to form around the quantum phase transition associated with the volume collapse, at Pc2 (green dome). Reproduced with permission from Ref. [8].