Advanced high-pressure transport measurement system integrated with low temperature and magnetic field
Guo Jing1, Wu Qi1, Sun Liling1, 2, †

(color online) Temperature–pressure phase diagrams obtained at different magnetic fields for Ca0.73La0.27FeAs2 single crystals. The acronyms PM, AFM, and SC stand for paramagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and superconducting phases, respectively. The magenta-colored circles and custom diamonds represent the temperature of the AMF phase transition detected from two-run electrical resistance measurements (TM(R-1) and TM(R-2)) and heat capacity TM(C) measurements under hydrostatic pressure conditions. The green diamonds and blue circles stand for the superconducting transition temperature determined from the resistance TC(R-1) and ac susceptibility TC(ac) measurements, respectively. The position of the red star denotes the location of the bi-critical point, which is determined by an intersection of extrapolated lines of the pressure-dependent TM and TC. The gray circles are the data extracted from the heat capacity results. The radial red line shows the suppressed tendency of TC by the magnetic field. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [37].