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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11774409), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CBA01501), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. XDB16010200 and XDB07030300).
Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) technique has proven to be an innovative tool for providing new insights in lattice dynamics with unprecedented temporal and spatial sensitivities. In this article, we give a brief introduction of this technique using the proposed UED station in the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) as a prototype. We briefly discussed UED’s functionality, working principle, design consideration, and main components. We also briefly reviewed several pioneer works with UED to study structure-function correlations in several research areas. With these efforts, we endeavor to raise the awareness of this tool among those researchers, who may not yet have realized the emerging opportunities offered by this technique.
Structural dynamics is of great importance in science and technology, as it governs many fundamental processes in nature, such as phase transitions, chemical reactions, and biological functions. It is also correlated to other dynamical responses of materials involving electronic, magnetic, and other degrees of freedom, which account for most of materials’ functionalities.[1] A through understanding of structural dynamics and its complex correlation to other degrees of freedom requires synergetic use of multiple techniques to provide complementary views. Ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) technique addresses such request by providing real-time and atomic-level view of structural dynamics. Thanks to a number of parallel revolutionary advances in ultrafast laser technology, and in generation and control of ultrafast electron probes, UED now reaches a temporal resolution of 100 femtoseconds (fs) that is only multiples of the vibrational period of atoms, and a spacial sensitivity of 0.01 Å that is only a fraction of inter-atomic distance. The combination of such atomic-level temporal and spacial details holds the potential to fully reveal the physical mechanisms and the structure-function correlations that would otherwise be impossible to extract.
In this article, we briefly discussed UED technique by introducing the architecture of the proposed UED station in the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF). We discussed what information can be obtained by UED and its comparison with ultrafast x-ray. With this foundation, we gave a very brief review of several pioneering works with UED that provide new insights into chemical reactions, electron–phonon coupling, structural phase transitions, and so on. In overall, the aim of this review is to attract potential users for this new user facility and encourage new strategies to take full advantage of various tools in SECUF to tackle complex multi-discipline problems.
Diffraction refers to the phenomena that a wave deviates from its original propagating direction due to interference caused by obstacles, apertures, and so on. It is mostly pronounced when the wavelength is comparable to the dimension of the scattering elements. Particularly, electron diffraction has been widely used for material characterization, in which electrons are usually accelerated to very high energy (1 keV to 100 keV) so that their de Broglie wavelengths become a few percent of typical inter-atomic distance ensuring the resolution of atomic-level details.
For elastic scattering and by considering the superpositions of the reflections from adjacent parallel lattice planes (see Fig.
Bragg’s law or Laue formulation only tells (yet awarded two Nobel Prizes) where the centers of diffraction peaks locate. To fully comprehend the spacial intensity distribution in a diffraction pattern, kinematical theory, or more advanced theories, such as dynamical theory or quantum mechanical treatment, must be used depending on experimental conditions.[2] Inelastic or diffusive scattering may also be considered under certain conditions. With these efforts, rich information of samples including lattice temperature, lattice strain, grain orientation, and so on can be extracted. Also, the equivalence between real space and reciprocal space enables the construction of complex structures, e.g., biomolecules, when direct imaging is impractical.[3]
Diffraction has its unique advantages in resolving structural dynamics, because it is very sensitive to internuclear coordinates (correlation between the positions of atoms) as implied by Bragg’s law. Bond lengths, bond angles, and lattice constants are examples of the measures in such coordinates, which are more relevant to “changes” in a structure. In a typical UED experiment, only limited number of internuclear coordinates are altered by laser excitation, while the others are treated as statical background. This is an important difference of data analysis between UED and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and in most cases, makes the data analysis of UED much simplified.
Diffraction provides a direct measure of the structural information with unprecedented spacial sensitivity. When coupled with time resolution, ultrafast diffraction yields a “real-time” probe of structural dynamics. Both x-rays and electrons can serve as probes for ultrafast diffraction, and they are complementary to each other.[4,5] The advantage of using electrons underlies in their strong Coulomb interaction with most samples. The elastic scattering cross-section for electrons (80 keV to 500 keV) is 105 to 106 in magnitude of that of x-rays,[6] such that the elastic scattering length (10 nm to 100 nm) of electrons better matches the optical penetration depth of the pump laser pulses. This means much stronger dynamical signals and more homogeneous excitation for thin samples in UED. Meanwhile, electrons can be more easily accelerated and collimated (focused or deflected) with well-developed electron-optics for very high spacial resolution. The beam size of electron probes can be controlled to even nanometer scale for nano-diffraction to reveal local structural feature, while its counterpart x-ray would not be able to deliver. The energy deposited by inelastic scattering event per elastic scattering event for electrons (80 keV to 500 keV) is three orders less in magnitude than x-ray (0.15 nm in wavelength).[6] So electrons are less damaging if the same amount of signals (elastic scattering events) are collected.
Turning to the other side of the coin, strong Coulomb interaction also brings many challenges for UED. The first issue is the sample preparation. In most cases, the thickness of a pristine sample needs to be reduced to less than 100 nm like in TEM. But the requirement for UED is even higher, for the typical transverse beam size of the electron probe in UED is in the order of 100 μm, much larger than that in TEM. Since electrons are so sensitive to electromagnetic field, transient electric or magnetic field can deviate electron’s trajectory, introducing artifacts into diffraction patterns.[7–9] Besides, space-charge effect (the repulsive force among electrons within each electron bunch) tends to broaden its longitudinal duration. For example, an electron bunch containing only few thousand 100 keV electrons broadens from several tenth fs at birth to more than one picosecond (ps) only after propagating about half meter long.[10,11] This is the key factor that degrades the temporal resolution of UED, because it relies on very short (longitudinally) electron bunch to “freeze” a transient moment of a dynamical process, just like each frame in a video.
Space-charge effect not only motivates many theoretical works to model electron-bunch propagation[10,12–14] but also leads to several important developing directions of UED technique. Reviewing the history of UED, the early apparatus are always very compact cutting down the time interval between the birth of electrons and their arrival at sample’s location as much as possible.[15–17] Meanwhile, the number of electrons per bunch is reduced to about 103 to 104. The combination of short propagation time and low fluence enables UED to achieve sub-ps temporal resolution.[18,19] To obtain even better temporal resolution, or in the case when the transverse beam dimension is focused tightly, such as in ultrafast converge beam diffraction (UCBD)[20] or ultrafast electron microscopy (UEM),[21,22] the number of electrons per bunch is reduced to even less than ten. Another strategy is to utilize a streaking camera to obtain temporal resolution, and therefore partially loosen the requirement of very short bunch duration.[23] It is more desirable if the contradiction between high fluence and high temporal resolution can be resolved, and recently two new schemes are introduced to tackle this issue. The first one is MeV electron diffraction technique (MeV UED), in which electrons are accelerated to MeV and the relativistic effect slows down the bunch expansion in the lab frame.[24–31] Remarkably, more than 106 electrons can be packed in a bunch while keeping a longitudinal duration in the order of 100 fs. The second scheme is to leave the space-charge broadening initially, and then compress the bunch duration all the way to sub-ps range right at its arrival at sample’s location.[32–34] In this case, 105 to 106 electrons per pulse are achieved with sub-ps longitudinal duration, or very few electrons are bunched for even shorter duration (fs scale).[35] In this paper, we will focus on the second scheme, which is applied for the UED station in SECUF.
Critical considerations for UED experiments are the mechanism used to initiate dynamics, spacial sensitivity, temporal resolution, electron fluence, and coherent length for diffraction. Ultrafast laser can provide various stimulus to the material, such as ultrafast heating, coherent phonon generation, bond alteration, and so on. Since the laser pulse is very short, it also determines the time-zero of the stimulated dynamical process.
The relevant spacial sensitivity for UED should be a fraction of the quantities measured in internuclear coordinates, e.g., bond lengths or lattice constants. We want to emphasize that spacial sensitivity of UED is different from spacial resolution used for imaging. As mentioned in previous section, UED is sensitive to internuclear coordinates, and spacial sensitivity characterizes how much change in such coordinates that UED can resolve, for example, how much lattice constants change after certain stimulus. It does not mean that UED can image an atom nor can it pin down atom’s exact position with such high spacial resolution. In fact, the transverse beam size of UED is so large (100 μm) that a big amount of atoms in the probed area contribute to diffraction signals to achieve such high spacial sensitivity. Nevertheless, as we will show later, abundant information regarding transient lattice dynamics has been obtained from snapshots of diffraction patterns in absence of high-resolution images.
The relevant temporal resolution for lattice dynamics is a single vibrational period that varies from sample to sample. For example, the fastest atomic vibration period is around 10 fs involving light elements such as O–H bond and C–H bond,[5,36] and the corresponding length scale of such vibration is only in the order of 0.01 Å. If bond breaking is studied, the relent time scale extends to more than 100 fs, because it involves much larger change in the length of the bond. Such time-scale is also valid for lattice dynamics in solids, because the periods of optical phonon modes are usually several hundred fs. It can be achieved nowadays by a typical UED set-up and new techniques are aiming for sub-fs temporal resolution.[37]
Electron-bunch duration is not the only factor that determines the temporal resolution of UED. Assuming all contributing factors are independent to one another, the overall temporal resolution can be estimated by
The electron fluence is defined as Ne/A, where Ne is the number of electrons per bunch and A is the transverse area of the electron beam. It must fit to the degree of the reversibility of the investigated processes, e.g., a fluence more than 108 cm−2 is required to study irreversible process.[4,5] For reversible processes, the electron fluence can be largely reduced depending on the repetition rate of the laser system.
The required coherent length for diffraction depends on the unit cell of materials. For small molecules or solid-state lattice, the unit cell is usually smaller than 1 nm, and it can be handled by a typical UED’s electron probe whose coherent length is usually several nm.[5] However, for biomolecular samples, the unit cell can reach 10 nm, which becomes a challenge for UED. New electron probes from ultracold sources[40] or nano-scale tips[41] are under development to tackle this issue.
The figures of merit of UED station in SECUF are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1.
Figures of merit. . |
In SECUF, we are proposed to build a new UED station based on the pulse compression scheme. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up shows the main components and (b) 3D effect drawing of the whole system under construction. |
The ultrafast laser system is a typical CPA system that produces short laser pulses with 60 fs pulse duration centered at 800 nm and 7 mJ maximal pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate. The optical cavity of the oscillator can be tuned in order to synchronize with a radio frequency clock (3 GHz). The laser system provides seeds for both pump and probe. The pump seed is sent to an OPA to change wavelength (20 μm to 240 nm) depending on materials under investigation. The intensity profile of the probe seed will be first optimized to a cylindrical bear-can shape (transversely top-hat and longitudinally square), and then the pulse will be frequency tripled (corresponding to 266 nm in wavelength) in order to exceed the work function of the metal photocathode.
The ultrafast electron gun consists of a photocathode and an anode separated by about 8 mm, producing an acceleration field of more than 105 V/cm when operating at 100 keV. For lower electron energy, the gap will be narrowed to maintain the same acceleration field. The photocathode is made of metal (silver or copper) coated on a fused silica disk, which can generate photoelectrons under the excitation of 266 nm laser pulses. The initial energy spread of electrons is regulated to below 0.5 eV in order to achieve a transverse coherent length of several nm. The applied acceleration field is much larger than the image-charge field induced by the electron bunches near the photocathode, ensuring the intensity profile of the electron bunches resembling the laser seeds. Such profile prevents the emittance growth from the space-charge effect, and therefore leads to a better coherent length. However, to maintain such a high field, careful design, fine machining, and a systematic conditioning procedure must be applied to the e-gun in order to avoid high voltage break-down.
This is the key unit for obtaining sub-ps electron bunches with high electron fluence. The transverse dimension and the trajectory of electron bunches are controlled by magnetic lens and deflection coil, respectively, similar as in a typical TEM, while the pulse duration is controlled by the pulse compressor. So, the system achieves three-dimensional control of the density profile of the electron bunches. The principle for pulse compression is shown in Fig.
This unit is mainly composed of an ion sputter gun, low energy electron diffracion (LEED) with Auger electron spectroscope (AES), evaporation sources, a continuous electron source, and a heating-cooling sample holder, all of which are operating under UHV. It is fully equipped for surface science, and for photocathode fabrication. Also, before each time-resolved experiment, statical diffraction patterns are first taken by the continuous electron probe to evaluate the quality of the sample.
This unit contains a multi-functional sample holder that is suitable for both transmission and reflection diffraction experiments. Sample’s temperature can be adjusted from 10 K to 1000 K. Other accessories include a Faraday cup to measure the number of electrons per pulse, a streaking module to measure the electron pulse duration, several guiding mirrors for the pump laser, several view ports for beam alignment, and a differential pumping system for gas dosing. The design of the whole unit is optimized for surface science, which is one advantage of our instrument if comparing with other UED apparatus.
The diffracted electrons are first converted into photons by a fast-decay (0.11 μs) P47 phoshor screen coated by 100 nm aluminum foil in front to block the scattering light from the pump. Then they are recorded by a CCD camera. If the intensity of the signal is weak, an image intensifier will be inserted in front of the camera to gain an extra 105 amplification, which is very useful for a time-resolved reflective high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) or a single-shot experiment.
Since its unique ability in monitoring structural dynamics, UED has been developing rapidly, and now dozens of UED apparatus are established or under construction worldwide. The research topics are also expanding fast including gas phase, surface science, strong correlated system, nanostructre, and so on. In this section, we do not intend to review all these aspects but rather pick several topics to demonstrate the ability of UED technique.
Using electron diffraction to study statical structures of gas molecules can date back to 1930, only three years after its invention. Despite angular averaging over randomly-distributed molecular orientations and lack of long-range orders, the accuracy of modern gas-phase electron diffraction can approach 10−4 Å,[4] thanks to the large scattering cross section of electrons and the advance in data analysis methods. The total scattering intensity can be written as I = IA(s) + IM(s), where IA is the atomic scattering intensity expressed as an algebraic summation of the contribution from each individual atom. IM is the interfering term from each atom–atom pair, which can be written as
One challenge for gas-phase UED is the very weak signal from molecules. In a pump–probe experiment, only a small portion of molecules (less than 10%) are excited such that the the small change in IM is buried by the unchanged background. Even if all the molecules are excited, it is well-known that IM is at least one order smaller than IA which contains no structure information. The high electron fluence provided by our new instrument is expected to boost the research activities in this area.
Structural dynamics is correlated to electrons, spins, and other degrees of freedom. Understanding the nature of coupling among them is crucial in understanding the properties of materials. Selectively perturbing one degree of freedom and monitoring the subsequent response from others proves to be an effective way in separating various coupling processes.
As one example, ultrafast laser heating is used to trigger both electron and lattice dynamics. In this case, electrons first absorb photon energy and are pumped to exited states. Their subsequent relaxation process has been studied by various methods. Particularly, by electron–phonon coupling, electrons transfer energy to lattice which induces an increase of lattice temperature (lattice heating) and lattice expansion. According to Eq. (
In a conventional static measurement, it seems that lattice heating and lattice expansion happen concurrently very much like one process. Now by using UED, these two process can be monitored simultaneously and clearly separated in time domain as two different aspects of lattice dynamics. The time constant for lattice heating is measured for various metals[47,48] and semiconductors,[49–53] ranging from several hundred fs to several ps. On the other hand, the timescale of lattice expansion is not only determined by the driving force but also the boundary conditions. Accompanied by thermal expansion, lattice coherent motion can also be generated as optical phonon modes[54] or acoustic phonon modes.[55,56] It is worth mentioning that lattice heating in ultrafast time-scale can be phonon-momentum dependent, i.e., certain phonon modes couple more strongly to electrons, and they are initially populated before a universal lattice temperature is established. This can be investigated by analyzing the diffused scattering background between Bragg peaks, which provides more insights in the transient lattice dynamics.[57–59]
Pumping with even higher laser fluence, the long range orders in lattice finally break and melting occurs, which is the most common structure phase transition in nature yet a sound link between macroscopic phenomena and atomic-level dynamics is still lacking.[5] As a priority, melting has been investigated extensively by UED.[5,60] It is shown that melting is purely thermal-driven in aluminum,[17] while in gold, a surprising phonon harding effect (slow down in melting) due to weakened screening from electrons has been observed under high laser fluence.[61] The effect from electron system on lattice melting is even more profound in semiconductor silicon[62] and Peierls distorted system bismuth.[63] Accompanied by lattice melting, the state of warm dense matter is reached under certain conditions[64] when the potential energy and the kinetic energy of electrons are of roughly the same magnitude. This is a new frontier of physics, where UED can provide insights of the related lattice dynamics[65] and together with the evolution of the spatial distribution.[66]
Melting is one example of an irreversible process, in which samples cannot recover to their original condition after each excitation cycle. So UED must provide enough electron fluence to construct a diffraction pattern with just one shot for each time point on the transient curve. Now with our new apparatus that can bunch up to one million electrons, more materials can be studied with even finer structure details by such single-shot experiment. There are also reversible structure phase transitions where stroboscopical mode can be applied. During these processes, certain characteristic Bragg spots will appear or disappear reflecting the symmetry change of the lattice. As examples, the transient lattice dynamics of strong correlated systems such as lanthanum strontium manganite (LSMO),[67] vanadium dioxide (VO2),[68,69] and quasi-two-dimension dichalcogenide [70–74] are studied.
RHEED and LEED are powerful tools of structure characterization and surface science, and there have been great effort to develop time-resolved RHEED (TR-RHEED) and LEED (TR-LEED). Although the beam energy of LEED is as low as 20 eV very different from RHEED, so far they use similar strategies to reduce space-charge effect and gain temporal resolution. TR-RHEED develops vary rapidly whose temporal resolution was improved from initially 200 ps to sub-ps,[50,75] while TR-LEED is still in its infancy.[76,77] By using TR-RHEED, surface lattice dynamics is investigated for GaAs and its quantum well,[50] sillicon,[78] graphite,[79] bismuth,[80] surface water,[81] cuprate,[82] and so on. One advantage of TR-RHEED is the use of bulk material which largely simplifies the sample preparation, but it also makes diffraction signal weak due to only nm penetration depth of electrons at such a small glancing angle (see Fig.
Directly monitoring lattice dynamics to understand the structure-function correlations is a very important goal for ultrafast science. Previously, such information is usually obtained by various optical methods such as ultrafast x-ray diffraction, ultrafast Raman spectroscopy, and so on. Electron-probe based techniques such as UED and UEM are entering this field, offering atomic-level temporal and spacial sensitivities with only lab-scale instrumentation. Now, new methodologies and techniques are emerging that hold great promise to push UED’s temporal resolution to sub-fs scale, use all-optical method to manipulate the electron bunch in 3D, and generate high coherent electrons by ultra-cold sources. Together with a synergic use of other ultrafast techniques, UED will give a big impact on dynamical studies in various areas in the future.
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