Investigation of flux dependent sensitivity on single event effect in memory devices*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1532261, 11690041, and 11675233).

Luo Jie1, 2, 3, Wang Tie-shan2, Li Dong-qing1, Liu Tian-qi1, Hou Ming-dong1, Sun You-mei1, Duan Jing-lai1, Yao Hui-jun1, Xi Kai1, Ye Bing1, Liu Jie1, †

(color online) 3D visualization of the GEANT4 simulation for 129Xe ion at the LET of 53.7 MeV·cm2/mg with two different energies: (a) 1677 MeV and (b) 130 MeV.