Estimation of photon counting statistics with imperfect detectors*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61627820, 11674306, 61590932, and 61377048).

Han Xiao-Chuan1, Zhuang Dong-Wei1, Li Yu-Xuan1, Song Jun-Feng1, †, Zhang Yong-Sheng2, ‡

Six quantum states with a mean photon number of 3 detected by on/off detector arrays. (a) Calculated relative entropy for the six states as a function of detector number. (b) and (c) Calculated relative entropy of each state based on 16 on/off detectors with finite quantum efficiency and dark counts. (d) Calculated relative entropy of the Fock state based on imperfect on/off detector arrays for ν = 5 × 10−6 and η = 0.9.