Multi-stability involved mixed bursting within the coupled pre-Bötzinger complex neurons*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11472009), Construction Plan for Innovative Research Team of North China University of Technology (Grant No. XN018010), and Scientific Research for Undergraduate of North China University of Technology.

Wang Zijian, Duan Lixia, Cao Qinyu

(color online) (a) Trajectory of system (1)–(4) on the (n1,V1) plane for gK = 4.4 nS. The olive curve is the trajectory of the whole system, and the black and pink curves represent the V1- and n1-nullcline. (b) Bifurcation analysis of the fast subsystem with the slow variable as a parameter. The red solid curve and dashed curve describe stable and unstable limit cycles, respectively, the olive curve shows the trajectory of the whole system, and the blue curve is the h1-nullcline.