Interaction between human telomeric G-quadruplexes characterized by single molecule magnetic tweezers*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474346 and 11774407), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. QYZDB-SSW-SLH045), and the National Key Research and Development Program, China (Grant No. 2016YFA0301500).

Wang Yi-Zhou1, 3, Hou Xi-Miao2, Ju Hai-Peng1, Xiao Xue1, 3, Xi Xu-Guang2, Dou Shuo-Xing1, 3, Wang Peng-Ye1, 3, ‡, Li Wei1, §

(color online) Folding and unfolding kinetics of two G-quadruplexes in wtTel45 sequence. (a) Trajectory (upper panel) under different constant forces (lower panel) showing two ruptures of G-quadruplex. (b) Relationships between reaction rate ku, kf, and tension F. The equilibrium tension Feq can be read from the point where ku = kf. The error bars reflect a ∼ 10% error in force determination. (c) Different folding and unfolding kinetics of two G-quadruplex near Feq. For the first G-quadruplex, τ0 = 20.5 s (left panel) and for the second G-quadruplex, τ0 = 4.0 s (right panel).