High-resolution electron microscopy for heterogeneous catalysis research
Zhu Yong, Xu Mingquan, Zhou Wu

(color online) STEM imaging and spectroscopy analysis of MoS2 based catalysts at the single atom level. (a) High-resolution STEM-HAADF image of the S-zigzag edge in Co–Mo–S catalyst and the corresponding EELS mapping (b) of Mo (in blue) and Co (in red) and (c) S (in yellow). (d) The L2,3 edges of a 2S and a 1S atomic columns in (c). (e) Schematic of the Co–Mo–S crystal structure. (g) Combined Mo/Co/Fe mapping from the area framed in black in the STEM-HAADF image (f) and (h) corresponding superimposed ball model.[22]