Fabry–Pérot resonance coupling associated exceptional points in a composite grating structure
Jiang Zhi-Sen1, 2, Hu De-Jiao3, Pang Lin1, 2, †, Gao Fu-Hua1, 2, Wang Ping1, 2

(color online) (a) Real and (b) imaginary parts of eigenvalues S1 (red) and S2 (blue) each as a function of incident wavelength λ and interval G. Re(S) indicates the real parts of S1 and S2 and Im(S) indicates the imaginary parts of S1 and S2. The white arrow points to the position of the EP. Eigenvalues S1 and S2 for real part at (c) G = 281 nm and (e) G = 295 nm and for the imaginary part at (e) G = 281 nm and (f) G = 295 nm.