Investigation of magnetization reversal process in pinned CoFeB thin film by in-situ Lorentz TEM
Pei Ke1, 2, 3, Xia Wei-Xing2, 3, †, Wang Bao-Min2, 3, Wen Xing-Cheng2, 3, Sheng Ping2, 3, Liu Jia-Ping2, 3, 4, Liu Xin-Cai1, ‡, Li Run-Wei2, 3

(color online) In-situ LTEM results of sample B, showing (a) low-magnified bright field image and SADP (inset), ((b)–(f)) domain reversal process with magnetic field decreasing from 20 Oe to −20 Oe, which correspond to points b–f in the loop of sample B in Fig. 1, respectively, ((g) and (f)) the magnified domain structures at coercivities of samples A and B, respectively, and fast Fourier transform of the corresponding yellow dashed frames. The scale bars in panels (b)–(f) are all the same and the scale bars in panels (g) and (h) are the same.