Investigation of magnetization reversal process in pinned CoFeB thin film by in-situ Lorentz TEM
Pei Ke1, 2, 3, Xia Wei-Xing2, 3, †, Wang Bao-Min2, 3, Wen Xing-Cheng2, 3, Sheng Ping2, 3, Liu Jia-Ping2, 3, 4, Liu Xin-Cai1, ‡, Li Run-Wei2, 3

(color online) In-situ LTEM results of sample A, showing (a) low-magnified bright field image and SADP and high magnification image (insets), ((b)–(f)) domain reversal process with magnetic field decreasing from 15 Oe to −15 Oe, which correspond to points b–f on the loop of sample A in Fig. 1, respectively, (g) sketch of imaging principle of ripple domain in LTEM, (h) a cross-tie domain on the primary domain wall, and (i) sketch of spin configuration of a cross-tie domain. The scale bars in panels (b)–(f) are all the same.