Composition design for (PrNd–La–Ce)2Fe14B melt-spun magnets by machine learning technique
Li Rui1, 2, Liu Yao1, 2, Zuo Shu-Lan1, 2, Zhao Tong-Yun1, 2, Hu Feng-Xia1, 2, Sun Ji-Rong1, 2, Shen Bao-Gen1, 2, †

Predicted maps of (a) Hcj and (b) (BH)max using the best models (GBRT) for (PrNd1-Ce_pCeCe_P)REsFe93-REsTM1B6 melt-spun magnets, and their corresponding cost performances. Circle represents a pure Nd magnet with Hcj about 11.0 kOe, which can be replaced by the economical Ce-containing magnets with the same Hcj at the expense of (BH)max (Star).