Conductivity and band alignment of LaCrO3/SrTiO3 (111) heterostructure
Hong Yan-Peng, Wang Xin-Xin, Qu Guo-Liang, Li Cheng-Jian, Xue Hong-Xia, Liu Ke-Jian, Li Yong-Chun, Xiong Chang-Min, Dou Rui-Fen, He Lin, Nie Jia-Cai

(color online) (a) Room-temperature sheet resistance for LCO/STO (111) with 5 nm ( > 11 uc) LCO as a function of P O 2 adopted during growth. (b) LCO thickness dependence of sheet resistance measured at room temperature of LCO/STO (111) grown under 5.×10−7 Torr. (c) Temperature dependence of sheet resistance in a temperature range from 300 K to 13 K for LCO/STO (111) with 11-uc LCO grown under 5×10−7 Torr. Red circles represent the values measured after growth while blue triangles refer to the values measured after annealing. Inset shows the temperature dependence of sheet resistance for LCO (11 uc)/STO (111) grown under 5×10−6 Torr. (d) Temperature dependences of mobility (blue triangle) and sheet carrier density (red square) from Hall measurement for LCO (11 uc)/STO (111) grown under 5×10−7 Torr. (e) Plots of Hall resistance versus magnetic field at various temperatures for LCO (11 uc)/STO (111) grown under 5×10−7 Torr). The dashed lines are guides to the eye.