Room-temperature operating extended short wavelength infrared photodetector based on interband transition of InAsSb/GaSb quantum well
Sun Ling1, 2, Wang Lu1, Lu Jin-Lei1, 2, Liu Jie1, 2, Fang Jun1, 2, Xie Li-Li3, Hao Zhi-Biao3, Jia Hai-Qiang1, Wang Wen-Xin1, Chen Hong1, †

(color online) (a) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of a 2 μ m × 2 μ m area with an RMS value of roughness of 1.59 Å, (b) three-dimensional AFM image of the grown material, and (c) x-ray diffraction pattern of InAsSb/GaSb QWs showing an antimony quantity of 8.4%, and (d) reciprocal space mapping (RSM) of InAsSb/GaSb QWs showing no lattice relaxation.