Controlling the entanglement of mechanical oscillators in composite optomechanical system
Zhang Jun1, Mu Qing-Xia2, Zhang Wen-Zhao3, †

(color online) Effective frequency ωeff as a function of ϵ, Δ, and κ. (a) ωeff as a function of ϵ and κ, the red-dashed line denotes ω eff = ω m and the blue-dashed line denotes ω eff = ω m . The detuning frequency Δ / ω m = 1.01 . (b) ωeff as a function of Δ and κ, the red-dashed line denotes ω eff = ω m and the blue-dashed line denotes ω eff = ω m . The driving strength ϵ / ω m = 1.6 × 10 3 . Other parameters are the same as those in Fig. 3.