A computational study of the chemokine receptor CXCR1 bound with interleukin-8
Wang Yang1, Severin Lupala Cecylia1, Wang Ting2, Li Xuanxuan1, 3, Yun Ji-Hye4, Park Jae-hyun4, Jin Zeyu4, Lee Weontae4, Tan Leihan1, 5, Liu Haiguang1, †

(color online) The stability of the CXCR1-IL8 complexes in four different models. (a), (c), (e), (g) The RMSD with respect to the initial structure for CXCR1 TM domain (blue), RMSD of IL8 after aligning the complex with respect to the initial structure of CXCR1 TM bundle domain (orange), RMSD of IL8 with respect to the initial structure of IL8 (green), and RMSD of the overall CXCR1-IL8 complex (red). (b), (d), (f), (h) The 2D-RMSD plot for pairwise conformation comparison of the overall complex. (a), (b) WT model 1; (c), (d) WT model 2; (e), (f) extended model; and (g), (h) hybrid model.