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This review summarizes the current studies of the thermal transport properties of one-dimensional (1D) carbon nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures. Considering different hybridization states of carbon, emphases are laid on a variety of 1D carbon nanomaterials, such as diamond nanothreads, penta-graphene nanotubes, supernanotubes, and carbyne. Based on experimental measurements and simulation/calculation results, we discuss the dependence of the thermal conductivity of these 1D carbon nanomaterials on a wide range of factors, including the size effect, temperature influence, strain effect, and others. This review provides an overall understanding of the thermal transport properties of 1D carbon nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures, which paves the way for effective thermal management at nanoscale.
The advancement of nanotechnology has greatly driven the continuing miniaturization of electronic devices. The significantly increased levels of power density in the next generation electronic, optoelectronic, and photonic devices[1] demand an effective thermal management at nanoscale. Depending on the applications, the materials are required to have either a high thermal conductivity or a strongly suppressed thermal conductivity.[2,3] In this regard, the past decade has witnessed great research efforts devoted to explore the thermal transport properties of nanomaterials, ranging from one-dimensional (1D) to three-dimensional (3D).[4]
As the building blocks for various engineering applications, low-dimensional (i.e., 1D and 2D) nanomaterials have received the most extensive attention. Researchers have studied the thermal transport properties of nanowires,[5,6] single-walled or multi-walled carbon nanotube,[7,8] BN, SiC, and Ge nanotubes.[9–13] It is found that the carbon nanotube (CNT) has a thermal conductivity as high as ∼ 3000–3500 W/mk at room temperature.[14,15] Similarly, the thermal transport properties of a wide range of 2D nanomaterials have been studied,[16] such as graphene,[17–22] boron nitride,[23] silicene,[24,25] phosphorene,[26] monolayer MoS2,[27–29] and superlattice.[30] For instance, the phosphorene is found to possess a giant phononic anisotropy, which is squarely opposite to its electronic counterpart and can be effectively tuned by strain.[31] A large volume of works have also emphasized on the effective ways for thermal conductivity engineering, such as strain engineering,[32] structural defect engineering,[33] isotopes and functionalizations,[34–37] and others.[38] Besides, tremendous attempts have also been carried out to overcome the low thermal conductivity characteristic of 3D materials by taking low-dimensional nanomaterials as fillers. For example, by adding CNT or graphene to nanocomposite, its thermal conductivity is effectively improved.[39–41]
Given the large variety of nanomaterials, carbon-based nanomaterials occupy a unique place in terms of the heat conduction as their thermal conductivity spans an extraordinary large range — over five orders of magnitude.[2] In this paper, we aim to review the recent studies on the thermal transport properties of 1D carbon nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures. We will first brief the big family of 1D carbon nanomaterials. Thereafter, emphasis will be laid on their thermal transport properties as acquired from simulations and experiments. In the end, some conclusions and perspectives will be given.
Considering the hybridization states of carbon (sp3, sp2, and sp1), there are many different 1D carbon nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures which have been experimentally synthesized or theoretically predicted. These include the sp3 carbon structures such as diamond nanowire and nanothread, the mostly studied sp2 carbon structures CNT, and the mixed sp1 carbon structures like carbyne. Following will concisely introduce the characteristics of these 1D carbon nanostructures.
The well-known sp3 bonded 1D carbon structure is diamond nanowire or nanorod, which has been reported with unique features, e.g., good biocompatibility, negative electron affinity, and chemical inertness.[42] MD simulations show that diamond nanowire possesses excellent mechanical properties, e.g., Youngʼs modulus around 688 GPa and yield strength about 63 GPa for
Recently, researchers reported a new kind of ultra-thin sp3 carbon structure, diamond nanothread (DNT), which is obtained from high-pressure solid-state reaction of benzene.[47] The DNT structure has two distinct sections, including the straight tube section as constructed from poly-benzene rings and the section with the so-called Stone–Walls (SW) transformation defects, as illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Schematic view of the DNT as synthesised from experiments. (a) A segment of the DNT. Top panel shows the structural representation of the poly-benzene rings (left and middle insets) and the Stone-Wales transformation defects (SWD, right inset). Adapted from Ref. [53] published by The Royal Society of Chemistry. |
Despite certain deviations, both DFT calculations and MD simulations have shown that DNT has excellent mechanical properties.[54] For the theoretically predicted nanothreads, DFT calculations show that they have a wide range of Youngʼs modulus ranging from 0.08 TPa to 1.16 TPa.[49] Based on MD simulations (using reactive force field, ReaxFF[55]), researchers found that the experimentally synthesised DNT has a high tensile stiffness comparable with that of CNT (i.e., around 850 GPa), and its yield strain is approximately 14.9% with an ultimate stress of about 143.3 GPa. Following works (using adaptive intermolecular reactive bond order, AIREBO potential[56]) show that the yield strength of DNT is almost independent of the constituent unit cells, and its failure behavior is controlled by the SW transformation defect section.[57] More interestingly, the ductility of DNT is found tunable by altering the number of SW transformation defects. That is the DNT with less SW transformation defects has smaller yield strain and is more brittle. MD simulations have also been extended to probe the mechanical properties of the theoretically predicted 15 different DNTs, and their mechanical properties are observed heavily dependent on their morphology, temperature,[58] and hydrogenation states.[59] Further studies show that the excellent mechanical properties of DNTs are well retained by introducing various surface functional groups.[60] Very recent works show that DNT can be used as effective reinforcements for nanocomposites,[61] and has strong interfacial load transfer capability for nanofiber applications.[62]
Since its first discovery,[63] CNTs have attracted extensive research focuses, and they have been reported with tremendous applications owing to their excellent physical and chemical properties. Due to the large volume of review works existing in the literature,[64,65] in this work, we will focus on the CNT-based architectures.
According to the geometrical characteristics, we can classify the sp2 bonded 1D carbon nanomaterials into two groups, including the CNT analogous and CNT derivatives. Geometrically, CNT can be regarded as a tube structure wrapped up from a graphene sheet. Therefore, based on various derivatives of graphene, different kinds of sp2 bonded tube structures have been theoretically proposed. Figure
In literature, there are two kinds of nanostructures containing sp1 bonded carbons, including the so-called graphyne and graphdiyne (2D),[100,101] and the 1D monoatomic chain carbyne. Although the synthesis of graphyne has not been realized, researchers have already reported the successful synthetization of graphdyine.[102] Several studies have reported the mechanical,[103,104] thermal,[105,106] and electronic properties of graphyne or graphdiyne.[107] Apparently, by rolling up a graphyne or graphdiyne sheet, a tube can be formed similar as that of CNT (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) sp1 bonded 1D carbon nanostructures. (a) Atomic configurations of the graphdiyne nanotube; adapted with permission from Ref. [116]. Copyrighted by the American Physical Society. (b) Atomic configurations of the monoatomic chain: polyyne (top panel) and cumulene (bottom panel). |
In the other hand, the 1D carbon chain has gained substantial interests due to its promising usage in energy storage devices and nanoscale electronics. Basically, carbyne is a 1D sp-hybridized carbon allotrope which has two forms including α-carbyne (polyyne, with alternating single and triple bonds) and β-carbyne (cumulene, with repeating double bonds), as schematically shown in Fig.
The above sections have introduced the main 1D carbon nanoarchitectures and nanomaterials, the following section will focus on the thermal transport properties of these materials. The thermal conductivity of carbon nanomaterials can be measured through experiments (using the steady state or transient 3ω techniques),[2] or estimated from simulations or first principle calculations. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is one of the most frequently applied simulation approaches, which includes equilibrium MD (EMD) simulation, non-equilibrium MD (NEMD) simulation, and reverse NEMD simulation or the Müller–Plathe method.[117] A comprehensive comparison of these simulation techniques can be found from elsewhere.[118,119]
It is necessary to point out that the thermal conductivity as obtained from MD simulations relies heavily on the atomic potentials being applied. For the carbon system, there are many types of empirical potentials available, such as the most widely used AIREBO potential,[56] Tersoff potential,[120] ReaxFF,[55] and chargeoptimized many body (COMB) potential.[121] Since the empirical potential development is normally based on a set of database, and there are always certain tradeoffs during the fitting process. As such, different empirical potentials have their own accuracy in describing the interested properties of the specific carbon systems, which results in unavoidable deviations for the calculated thermal conductivity in literature. A detailed comparison of the merits or demerits of the currently available carbon empirical potentials can be from Ref. [122].
As aforementioned, the chemical inertness of sp3-hybridized carbon makes the synthesis of diamond nanowire or nanothread still a challenge. To date, most of the studies on the thermal transport properties of diamond nanowire or nanothread are carried out by MD simulations or first principle calculations.
The increased phonon-boundary scattering[123] or change in the phonon dispersion[124] leads to a suppressed heat conduct capability for nanowire compared with that of bulk crystals. Both MD simulation and ab initio calculations show that the diamond nanowire has a strong crystallographic orientation dependent thermal conductivity (κ), whereas ab initio calculations show the strongest heat conduction along
Recent MD simulations show that thermal conductivity of diamond nanowire (with surface functionalization) is around a factor of 4 smaller than that of the pristine (10, 10) CNT,[129] which experiences much less influences from surface functionalization compared with that of the CNT. More importantly, κ exhibits a strong dependence on the length and radius of the nanowire.[128,129] For instance, κ is found to increase from ∼ 10 W/mK to ∼ 25 W/mK when the length of the diamond nanowire increases from 3 nm to 8 nm. More interestingly, it is found that κ of thicker diamond nanowire decreases with increasing temperature due to phonon–phonon scattering, while thinner nanowire appears insensitive due to the increased role of surface scattering.[128]
Currently, studies of the thermal transport properties of DNT are still focused on the experimentally reported structure (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) (a) Temperature profile of DNT-55 (length of ∼ 24 nm), which possesses only a single SW transformation defect at the middle of the structure. Top panel schematically shows the studied sample. (b) Comparisons of the mode lifetimes between (3, 0) CNT and DNT-8. The mode lifetime is calculated using the package Jazz[130,131] based on the corresponding vibrational density of states (VDOS). Adapted from Ref. [57], with permission from Elsevier. |
The most intriguing observation is that the DNT exhibits a superlattice thermal transport characteristic.[57] Similar as observed from diamond nanowire or silicon nanowires, κ of DNT increases when the sample length increases, which is uniformly observed for the DNT with different number or density of SW transformation defects (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) (a) Thermal conductivity of DNT as a function of length and the constituent unit cells (with different numbers of poly-benzene rings). (b) Normalized thermal conductivity (by its respective minima) shows a general valley trend. Reprinted from Ref. [57], with permission from Elsevier. |
Similar as observed from the other 1D nanostructures,[5,80,138,139] 2D nanoribbons,[29,140] and bulk materials,[118] κ of DNT also exhibits a strong length dependency. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) (a) The linear scaling relationship between the inverse of κ and the inverse of sample length. (b) Thermal conductivity of DNT-13 (size of ∼ 42 nm) as a function of temperature. The solid line is fitted with a power-law relation. Adapted from Ref. [57], with permission from Elsevier. |
Since there are plenty of works already summarized the thermal transport properties of CNT, which thus will not be repeated herein. It is found that although several works have investigated the thermal conductivity of penta-graphene,[69,146,147] the penta-graphene nanotube is still untouched. Similar to the carbon nanoscrolls, few studies have reported their thermal transport properties.[148] As such, in this section, we will review the recent works on the thermal transport properties of CNT derivatives including CNT fibers and supernanotubes.
Thermal transport property of CNT fibers is one of the properties being extensively studied due to their promising applications in nanoscale electronics, such as supercapacitor electrodes.[149] Although the experimental measurements are not consistent, the CNT fibers show good thermal transport properties in the axial direction as inherited from CNT.[150] For instance, a room-temperature thermal conductivity of 1750–5800 W/mK is measured for the single-walled CNT rope.[151] By varying the density from 0.81 g/cm3 to 1.39 g/cm3, κ of CNT arrays is found to increase from 472 W/mK to 766 W/mK.[152] Similar to other nanomaterials, the axial κ exhibits a strong temperature dependence, i.e., it decreases smoothly with decreasing temperature, and displays a linear temperature dependence below 30 K.[151]
Besides the axial thermal transfer, the inter-tube thermal conductivity of CNT fibers has also gained substantial attention. Due to the weak van der Waals (vdW) inter-tube interaction, the thermal conductivity is extremely low (e.g., around 0.35 W/mK from NEMD simulation[153]). Both experimental works and MD simulations have been carried out to explore the effective ways that enhance the inter-tube thermal conductivity, e.g., increasing the density,[154] using ion irradiation.[155] According to the NEMD simulation (using AIREBO potential[56]), the inter-tube κ can be effectively enhanced by compressive strain (before the buckling of CNT).[153]
As discussed earlier, different kinds of CNT junctions can be utilized to build supernanotubes. Similar to single-walled CNT, the supernanotube (ST) can also be denoted by two geometrical indexes N and M. Based on reverse NEMD simulations, the ST is found to exhibit a low κ, e.g., ∼ 5.4 W/mK for ST(5, 0) at 300 K, which varies with the junction type.[139] As illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Thermal conductivity of supernanotube. (a) Thermal conductivity as a function of sample length. (b) Thermal conductivity of ST(5, 0) as a function of temperature. The solid line is fitted with a power-law relation. The constituent unit is (8, 0) single-walled CNT. Adapted from Ref. [139], reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry. |
Although κ of ST exhibits a similar relationship with size and temperature as that of CNT, it has a totally different relationship with axial strain. As compared in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) (a) Relative κ of the ST(5, 0)@(8, 0)-γ and SWNT as a function of axial strain. Comparisons of the VDOS at different axial strains for: (b) ST and (c) single-walled CNT. Reprinted from Ref. [139], reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry. |
Similar to the sp3 bonded 1D carbon nanomaterials, the synthetization of sp1 bonded 1D carbon nanomaterials is also still a challenge. Thus, the current understanding of their thermal transport properties is mainly established by MD simulations or first principle calculations.
Based on NEMD simulations (using AIREBO potential[56]), the graphyne nanotube exhibits an unprecedentedly low thermal conductivity (below 10 W/mK) at room temperature.[116] The same results are obtained from EMD simulations (using AIREBO potential[56]).[156] According to the phonon polarization and spectral energy density analysis, such ultra-low thermal conductivity origins from the large vibrational mismatch between the weak acetylenic linkage and the strong hexagonal ring. Specifically, the thermal conductivity is found to experience a sharp decrease when the number of acetylenic linkages increases (smaller than 5). For larger number of acetylenic linkages, such decrease trend is largely slowed. Additionally, the thermal conductivity of graphyne nanotube is found to exhibit a linear scaling relationship with its length. It is observed that the nanotube with more acetylenic linkages has a weaker length dependence (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) Thermal conductivity of graphyne nanotube (GNT). Thermal conductivity as a function of: (a) sample length; and (b) sample diameter. AC and ZZ refer to armchair and zigzag, respectively. GNT-1 and GNT-10 refer to the nanotube with one and ten acetylenic linkages, respectively. Adapted with permission from Ref. [116], copyrighted by the American Physical Society. |
Consistent with other nanomaterials, the thermal conductivity of carbyne as obtained from reverse NEMD simulations (using ReaxFF potential[55]) exhibits a strong length dependency. That is, κ increases from ∼ 200 W/mK to 680 W/mK when the sample length increases from 20 nm to 40 nm. Similar as observed from CNT, κ decreases when the axial strain varies from compressive to tensile. Specifically, a small tensile strain (∼ 3%) is found to induce ∼ 70% decrease in the thermal conductivity. Other study based on the EMD simulations (using polymer consistent force filed, PCFF potential[158]) shows that κ of carbyne shows a positive temperature dependence at low temperature range and becomes negative at higher temperature range (due to the increased phonon–phonon scattering when more phonons are excited at higher temperature).[159]
It is worthy to mention that cumulene and polyyne have totally different thermal transport properties. Based on EMD simulation (using ReaxFF potential[55]), the thermal conductivity of metallic cumulene (with 50 carbon atoms) is about 83 W/mK at 480 K.[113] Estimations show that the electronic contribution is around 1.11 × 10−3 W/mK, which is ignorable compared with the phonon thermal conductivity. Unlike cumulene, the polyyne chain exhibits a much smaller thermal conductivity, around 42 W/mK at 500 K, which dramatically decreases to 5.5 W/mK when only
![]() | Fig. 10. (color online) Heat flux autocorrelation (HFAC) functions for carbyne chains. (a) Cumulene and perfect polyyne chains. (b) Polyyne chain with 4% defective bonds. Adapted with permission from Ref. [113]. Copyright 2017 American Chemical Society. |
Different hybridization states of carbon have provided us a wide opportunity to construct a variety of 1D nanomaterials and nanoarchitectures, such as diamond nanowires, diamond nanothreads, carbon nanotubes, nanoscrolls, supernanotubes, and carbyne. Extensive works have studied their thermal conductivity, and its dependence on various factors including the sample size (e.g., length or diameter), temperature, and mechanical strain. The strong dependence of the thermal conductivity on these factors offers an effective avenue to engineering the thermal transport properties of these 1D nanomaterials.
It is noted that majority of the current studies have focused on the sp2 bonded 1D carbon nanostructure (though the helical nanostructures as inspired from biological materials have been rarely discussed). From the experimental perspective, the lacking of investigation on the mixed sp1 or sp3 bonded 1D carbon nanomaterials is originated form the huge challenges to synthesize them. In the other hand, MD simulations are seen to lead relatively large deviations in estimating the thermal conductivity due to the inaccuracy of the empirical potentials in describing mixed hybridized carbon bonds in sp1 or sp3 bonded 1D carbon nanomaterials.[116] Given the broad promises of these 1D carbon nanomaterials, a significant progress is expected for either the experimental synthetization or establish a more accurate empirical potential to describe them.
It is worthy to mention that there are various simulation approaches available for the investigation of nanoscale thermal phenomena, including Boltzmann transport equation (BTE), nonequilibrium Greenʼs function (NEGF), and MD method. Each theoretical calculation/simulation method has its own merits and demerits. For instance, the BTE method is a classical theory that is applicable for diffusive regime, in which phonons are treated as quasiparticles. In contrast, the NEGF method is normally adopted to probe the quantum or ballistic thermal conductance. For instance, the NEGF method has been employed to study the quantum thermal conductance of CNT,[160,161] while the BTE method has been used to acquire the thermal conductivity of 2D materials in the diffusive limit.[162] Technically, it is challenging to use either BTE or NEGF method to study the thermal conduction of nanoarchitectures due to the large number of interfaces and changing dimensions within the system, e.g., junctions formed from 1D and 2D components. On the other hand, MD method does not rely on any thermodynamiclimit assumption, and it is thus applicable to model nanoscale systems with complex geometries in a straightforward way. Therefore, most of the theoretical works on thermal conductivity of nanoarchitectures are based on MD simulations due to the existing interfaces and structural complexities.
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