Influence of fluorescence time characteristics on the spatial resolution of CW-stimulated emission depletion microscopy
Qin Haiyun1, †, Zhao Wei1, †, Zhang Chen1, Liu Yong2, Wang Guiren3, Wang Kaige1, ‡

(color online) (a) Schematic of the excitation, emission, and depletion processes of a fluorophore. (b) Schematic profiles of Isted and γ for the lateral direction in the focus area of experimental case 2. Here, the wavelengths of the excitation and STED beams are 635 nm and 750 nm, respectively. To obtain these two profiles, both Iexc and Isted distributions on the focal plane are numerically computed by Debye integral method first, with the experimental conditions of case 2. Then, γ is calculated on the basis of Eq. (7). The profiles have been normalized for comparison.