Solitary wave for a nonintegrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation in nonlinear optical waveguide arrays
Ma Li-Yuan1, Ji Jia-Liang2, Xu Zong-Wei3, Zhu Zuo-Nong3, †

(color online) Stationary solitons with ωs = 1, β = −1, and α = 0.5. Black: h = 0.25; green: h = 0.5. (a) Fourier space. (b) Physical space. Note that the background in panel (a) is nonzero. The property of nonlinear hopping α is displayed in panel (b), and the value of F(nh) tends to be zero as | n | in physical space. The values of | F ( nh ) | in each line are marked by signs of circles and boxes, respectively.