Analytical studies on the evolution processes of rarefied deuterium plasma shell Z-pinch by PIC and MHD simulations*

Projected supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11675025, 11135007, and 11405012).

Ning Cheng, Zhang Xiao-Qiang, Zhang Yang, Sun Shun-Kai, Xue Chuang, Feng Zhi-Xing, Li Bai-Wen

(color online) Profiles of magnetic field and mass density at 25 ns (a), 35 ns (b), 45 ns (c), and 55 ns (d). The blue lines denote the magnetic fields from the simulation by using the PIC code, and the black lines represent the magnetic fields simulated by using the MHD code where the Spitzer resistivity is doubled. The red lines represent the mass density profiles simulated by the MHD code, and they are also used to mark the positions of the plasma shell.