Rayleigh-Taylor instability at spherical interfaces of incompressible fluids*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11275031, 11475034, 11575033, 11574390, and 11274026) and the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2013CB834100 and 2013CBA01504).

Guo Hong-Yu1, 2, Wang Li-Feng2, 3, Ye Wen-Hua2, 3, †, Wu Jun-Feng2, Li Ying-Jun4, ‡, Zhang Wei-Yan2, 3

(color online) Normalized growth rates (a) and (b) versus R2/R1 for mode number l = 6. The Atwood numbers are A1 = 0.9 and A2 = −0.9. The cylindrical results[18] are also displayed for comparison.