Spin-valley-dependent transport and giant tunneling magnetoresistance in silicene with periodic electromagnetic modulations
Liu Yi-Man1, Shao Huai-Hua2, Zhou Guang-Hui3, Piao Hong-Guang1, Pan Li-Qing1, Liu Min1, †

(color online) (a) Simplified profiles of the magnetic barrier for the P alignment (spikelike lines), the corresponding vector potential (red solid line), and the electrostatic potential (green dashed line). (b) The same as in panel (a) but for the AP alignment. (c) The schematic illustration of the considered 2D electron system modulated by an array of FM stripes deposited on top of the silicene sheet. The red horizontal arrows denote the magnetization directions (along x axis) of the strips that generate an array of delta-function-shaped magnetic barriers. The gate voltage applied on FM stripes provides a periodic array of electrostatic barriers.