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Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0304203), the ChangJiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in the University of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. IRT13076), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 91436108, 61378014, 61675121, 61705123, and 11434007), the Fund for Shanxi “1331 Project” Key Subjects Construction, China, and the Foundation for Outstanding Young Scholars of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 201601D021001).
We present high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy of ultracold 23Na133Cs molecules in a long-range c3Σ+ state below the (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) asymptote. We perform photoassociation spectroscopy in a dual-species magneto-optical trap (MOT) and detect the photoassociation resonances using trap-loss spectroscopy. By fitting the experimental data with the semi-classical LeRoy–Bernstein formula, we deduce the long-range molecular coefficient C6 and derive the empirical potential energy curve in the long-range region.
Ultracold polar molecules have received considerable attention due to their versatile applications in controlled ultracold chemistry,[1] quantum simulations,[2] precision measurements,[3] and quantum information.[4] However, it is only recently that a few of these molecules (KRb, RbCs, NaK, NaRb) were successfully prepared in their rovibrational ground states. In the experiments to produce ultracold polar molecules, the ultracold atoms were first associated to form weakly bound molecules by tuning a magnetic Feshbach resonance, and then the molecules were optically transferred to the ground state in virtue of an optimized excited state. For a few molecular species, the Feshbach resonances are absent or hard to access experimentally. Thus, it is more convenient to produce molecules in the electronic ground state by using light-assisted processes, which involve coupling the atomic ground state to the excited molecular state, such as KRb,[5] LiCs,[6] and RbCs.[7] Whenever light is used to prepare ultracold polar molecules in a controlled way or to manipulate their internal state, precise knowledge of their molecular level structures is required, not only the electronic ground state, but also the excited state. One of the methods for obtaining this information is photoassociation (PA) spectroscopy, where ultracold atoms are coupled to the excited molecular states using a resonant laser. The PA spectroscopy offers a unique chance to probe the molecular long-range states and determine the molecular coefficients[8,9] and the potential energy curve.[10,11]
Our choice of polar molecule, 23Na133Cs, has a relatively large electric dipole moment of ~ 4.6 Debye (which is only exceeded by the value of LiCs among all bi-alkali molecules), and is collisionally chemical stable,[12] which makes it a promising candidate for the various applications mentioned above. Nevertheless, NaCs is still one of the least experimentally explored bi-alkali molecules, and no ultracold NaCs molecules were previously prepared in their rovibrational ground state. Thus, accurate spectroscopic information is required for the production of such molecules. Bigelow and co-workers reported, for the first time, the observation of ultracold NaCs using spectroscopy via a PA experiment.[13] The PA spectroscopy of the partially excited electronic states of NaCs molecules was obtained using ionization detection.[14–16] However, the photoionization spectroscopy does not provide information about the PA transition intensities due to the intervention of the extra ionization laser,[17] and it can only obtain partial molecular states.[18] A feasible technique is the trap-loss detection, which is achieved by directly monitoring the fluorescence from the trapped atoms. In our effort to create ultracold ensembles of NaCs molecules, we have previously performed PA on ultracold Na and Cs atoms in a dual-species magneto-optical trap (MOT), where we obtained the energy positions of the weakly bound levels in the excited c3Σ+ state of NaCs molecules using trap-loss spectroscopy.[19] In addition, we have reported the experimental observation of the laser-induced frequency shift of NaCs molecules by collection of trap-loss spectra.[20] It should be noted that, although the information of NaCs’s molecular hyperfine structure in the ionization/trap-loss spectrum has been previously obtained, no detailed study on the long-range molecular coefficients and the potential energy curve of the 23Na133Cs molecules has been reported.
In this paper, we perform PA spectroscopy in a dual-species 23Na–133Cs MOT and detect the PA resonances of 23Na133Cs’s molecular c3Σ+ long-range state below the (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) limit using the trap-loss spectroscopy. By observing and analyzing the molecular hyperfine structure from the trap-loss spectrum, we extract information about the energetic position of the molecular rovibrational levels. By using the semi-classical LeRoy–Bernstein (LRB) formula,[21] we obtain the accurate long-range molecular coefficient C6, and deduce the long-range parts of the potential energy curves. We also make a comparison of our results with other experimental and theoretical values. This work provides accurate spectroscopic information, and it is the first important step towards creating ultracold ground-state 23Na133Cs molecules.
Our experiments were performed in a dual-species 23Na–133Cs MOT with a background pressure of about 6 × 10−7 Pa, which allowed us to obtain a large number of ultracold atoms with minimal losses from light-assisted interspecies collisions.[22] The details of the apparatus are shown schematically in Fig.
The PA laser was provided by a widely tunable continuous-wave Ti:sapphire laser system (MBR 110, Coherent) with a typical linewidth of ~100 kHz and an output power up to ~3.5 W. The long time frequency drift of the laser was suppressed to within 500 kHz by locking to its self-reference cavity. The absolute frequency of the PA laser was measured with a wavelength meter (High Finesse-Angstrom WS/U) that had an accuracy of 30 MHz. The PA laser beam was collimated to a 1/e2 diameter of 0.78 mm and had a maximum available average intensity of ~750 W/cm2.
In our experiments, the fluorescence from the trapped Cs (Na) atoms were collected by a convex lens and then detected by an avalanche photo diode (a photomultiplier) with an 852 nm (589 nm) bandpass filter. The direct fluorescence detection was usually not satisfying because noise arisen from the stray fluorescence submerged the useful signal. Our experiments[23] used the lock-in method, which is based on modulating the fluorescence of the ultracold atom, to improve the detection sensitivity of the trap-loss spectroscopy. A modulation frequency of 3.4 kHz (3.2 kHz) was used for the fluorescence from the trapped Cs (Na) atoms, and this frequency was also used to stabilize the trapping laser frequency. The modulated fluorescence was demodulated with a lock-in amplifier (Stanford Research SR830) and recorded by a computer. The uncertainty was mainly from the frequency drifts of the trapping laser, the power broadening, and the indistinguishable hyperfine structures. All these factors contributed to a maximum uncertainty of 0.003 cm−1.
The formation of NaCs molecules was realized in the PA process, whose resonance led to losses for both the Na and Cs atoms from the MOT, and thus, the MOT fluorescence decreased. However, the PA-induced loss in the atomic fluorescence for Cs, which was monitored simultaneously with the atomic fluorescence for Na, was hardly distinguishable during the photoassociation process. The main reason could be that the loss of Cs atoms, caused by the formation of the heteronuclear 23Na133Cs molecules, was not sufficient to affect the total Cs atomic fluorescence. Therefore, the trap-loss spectroscopy of ultracold polar 23Na133Cs molecules was detected and demonstrated by monitoring the Na atomic signals.
In this paper, the PA spectra below the (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) asymptote, i.e., red detuned from the cesium D2 line at 852 nm, are obtained. The trap-loss technology is employed to obtain the PA spectra of the excited state of the NaCs molecules. Figure
![]() | Fig. 3. Two typical PA spectra of the c3Σ+ state, where (a) υ = 61, (b) υ = 66 with rotational quantum numbers J = 1–3. |
To extract C6, we use the semi-classical LeRoy–Bernstein (LRB) formula[21]
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Trap-loss spectra of the c3Σ+ electronic state with a rotational quantum number J = 1 and different vibrational levels υ = 61, 62, 64, 65, and 66. |
![]() | Table 1. The experimental PA resonance frequencies of different vibrational levels in the c3Σ+ electronic state are listed with the values from Zabawa’s work.[25] The corresponding binding energies for the vibrational levels are also provided. . |
We fit the data in Table
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) The linear fit of the c3Σ+ levels to the LeRoy–Bernstein expression to obtain the coefficient C6. The inset is a magnification of the date near the vertical axis. |
![]() | Table 2. The C6 values (in atomic units) obtained from the present work, the experiment in Ref. [25], and the theoretical calculations in Refs. [26] and [27]. . |
However, the differences between the experimental and theoretical C6 values are relatively large. The experimental values are smaller than the theoretical ones. These large discrepancies could be explained by the severe perturbations between the rovibrational levels of υ > 25 and by the neighboring B1Π state.[16]
The coefficient C6 is often used to obtain the long-range molecular potential energy curve. In the LeRoy–Bernstein model, the observed successive vibrational levels are a characteristic of the long-range molecular potential energy curve, which is usually asymptotical with a −C6/R6 form. In terms of V(R) = −C6/R6, the empirical potential energy curve for the c3Σ+ states below the (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) asymptote is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) The long-range parts of the potential energy curves for the c3Σ+ state are shown with values for C6 obtained from our experiment (red dashed line), the experiment by Zabawa[25] (green line), and the theoretical calculations in Refs. [26] (blue line) and [27] (black line). The value of zero in the vertical coordinate represents NaCs’s (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) asymptote (11732.176 cm−1). |
We have presented the PA spectra of the long-range state below the (3S1/2 + 6P3/2) asymptote for ultracold NaCs molecules using trap-loss detection. Five PA resonances with hyperfine structures were observed with a reasonable resolution and were identified as the c3Σ+ state. By fitting the experimental data to the semi-classical LeRoy–Bernstein formula, the long-range molecular coefficient C6 was obtained as 9261 ± 172 a.u. for the c3Σ+ state. The experimental value shows good agreement with the result from Ref. [25], but both experimental values are smaller than the theoretical results reported in Refs. [26] and [27]. The molecular potential energy curve in the long-range region was presented based on the obtained C6 coefficient. The trap-loss spectroscopy has proven to be a valuable method for obtaining interesting spectroscopic information. However, further studies are needed to study predissociation and second-order perturbation, which result in observations of additional levels, as well as to extract the long-range coefficients with a higher precision.
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