Acceleration and radiation of externally injected electrons in laser plasma wakefield driven by a Laguerre–Gaussian pulse
Shen Zhong-Chen1, 2, Chen Min1, 2, †, Zhang Guo-Bo1, 3, Luo Ji1, 2, Weng Su-Ming1, 2, Yuan Xiao-Hui1, 2, Liu Feng1, 2, Sheng Zheng-Ming1, 2, 4

(color online) (a) Spatial distributions of fields combination (EyBz) and externally injected electrons in the plane of x = 189.5 μm. The trajectory projection in the yz plane of a typical accelerated electron is also shown. The rectangle and triangle mark the start and end positions of the trajectory, respectively. The upper color bar shows the field combination and the lower color bar shows the electron charge. (b) Spatial distribution of field combination (Ez + By) and externally injected electrons at the same position.