Tunneling dynamics of a few bosons with both two- and three-body interactions in a double-well potential
Chang Na-Na, Yu Zi-Fa, Zhang Ai-Xia, Xue Ju-Kui

The time evolution of |cn(t)|2 for N = 4 with the initial configuration (00100), i.e., bosons are divided equally and there are two bosons in each well, which correspond to the red lines of the second panel in Fig. 8. The first panel is for U3/U2 = −1 (the condition of Eq. (5) is satisfied) with both U2 = 6 and U2 = 0.05, which correspond to the red lines in Figs.8(e) and 8(g); the second and the third panels are with respect to U3/U2 = 2 (the condition of Eq. (5) is not satisfied) with U2 = 0.05 and U2 = 6, respectively, which correspond to the red lines in Figs. 8(f) and 8(h).