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Combining a low temperature liquidizing system with a transient Raman spectroscopy, a new experimental technique is established for the first time on a two-stage light-gas gun, and it is employed to study shock-compressed fluid silane. With this experimental technique, we first obtain a Raman peak shift relating to the Si–H stretching vibration mode of molecular liquid silane under shock loading conditions. The Raman peak of 2184 cm−1 at an initial state of 0 GPa and 85 K moves to 2223.4 cm−1 at a shocked state of 10.5 GPa and 950 K, and its full width of half maximum broadens from 33 cm−1 to 118 cm−1. The shocked temperature, calculated by the thermodynamic equation of state, is well consistent with that estimated by the Doppler broadening function.
The transformation of molecular hydrogen to metallic hydrogen has been studied intensely.[1–4] However, the conditions for preparing metallic hydrogen are too harsh. It has recently been suggested that silane is expected to be metalized at much lower pressures due to the fact that the electron density of hydrogen atoms in silane is equivalent to pure hydrogen atoms under mega-bar pressures.[5–10] Thus, the behavior of silane under high pressure and high temperature has been a hot research topic due to its special status. However, little information is available about the high-pressure behavior of silane. Especially, the experimental data of silane under high pressure are scarce.[11–13] Accordingly, there is a great deal of interest in exploring the unique properties under high pressures and high temperatures.
The shock wave propagating in material can cause pressure, strain and temperature to abruptly change. Unlike static pressure, such a dynamic loading technology can quickly reach a thermodynamic state of high temperature and high pressure on a time scale of nanoseconds. So it becomes one of the effective ways to study the dynamic behaviors of materials. Moreover, the sample size of the shock loading experiment is much larger than that of static compression, thus it is conducive to observe the characteristics of samples under high temperature and high pressure. The micro dynamic behavior of material is also an important issue in the field of chemistry and materials science. In the process of dynamic loading, the real-time detection of microstructure change is very important, and it can provide abundant micro dynamic information for researchers. Now several main real-time measurement techniques have been used in dynamic loading experiments, including a light reflection method,[14] light transmission method,[15,16] VISAR method,[17] and spectrum method.[18,19]
The Raman spectroscopy is a useful tool to determine molecular changes, so, the time-resolved Raman spectrum measurements in shock experiments have attracted a great deal of attention. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop a portable transient Raman spectroscopy system on a two-stage light-gas gun to study the Raman peak shifts of silane under shock compression, and it will offer better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the sample. In the present work a new experimental system is described for performing real-time Raman measurements.
High purity samples were prepared through using a low-temperature liquidizing technology. The shock wave experiment was conducted using a two-stage light-gas gun. A flyer plate of copper was used, which was 3.0 mm in thickness and 24 mm in diameter, and stuck on the surface of the projectile. Then, the samples were shocked by the impact velocity of 3 km/s. Finally, the shocked samples were characterized by Raman scattering technique.
The shock pressure and temperature of fluid silane were calculated by using the measured velocity of the flyer and the Hugoniot equations of state (EOSs) of the copper impactor, aluminum base plate, quartz window and fluid silane (85 K). The EOS of fluid silane was described by the perturbation theory of molecular fluid. The shock adiabat was described through a relation between the initial and final internal energy, pressure and volume, i.e., (E0, P0,
An effective way to prepare liquid silane with high purity gas is a low-temperature liquidizing technology as shown in Fig.
As depicted in Fig.
In general, the entire shock compression process maintains only a few hundreds of nanoseconds in this experiment. In order to increase the experimental precision, the lamp trigger signal and Q trigger signal were used to solve the synchronization problem caused by the random emission of gas gun loading and influence of precision laser mechanism and spectrum system. The lamp trigger signal was generated by the magnetic speed measuring unit and transferred to the digital oscilloscope via a cable. After a period of delay, the signal was used to trigger the laser flash; the delay time depended on the forecast length between the flyer and the target. The Q trigger signal was generated from the hitting of the shock wave on the interface between a metal substrate and the substrate. The photoelectric multiplier tube converted the light signal into an electrical pulse signal, which then was input to the delay time controller. It arrived at the detection system with a controlled time delay to synchronize the time window of the gated intensifier with the laser pulse. The delay time depended on the thickness values of quartz glass substrate and compressed layer of the sample. The signal always triggered the ICCD detection system at the same time.
To calculate the state of the liquid sample during shock compression, the perturbation theory of molecular fluid was used to describe the EOS of fluid silane.[21] The values of parameters (ε,
The following formulas were used in the program.
Helmholtz free energy is given by the free energy of ideal gas and interaction terms
The Hugoniot equation of state of the sample is determined by
We firstly record Raman spectra of silane at 85 K and 0 GPa, then the Raman spectra of silane are measured under shock compression. The copper flyer impact velocity is 3 km/s in the shock compressed experiment, and the measurement results are shown in Fig.
It is noted that the spectra measured in the shock compression experiment includes the contributions from shocked and unshocked sample as shown in Fig.
The Doppler broadening follows the velocity distribution of particles. If the observer is close to the emitter with a speed of vx, Doppler frequency shift is given by[25]
According to the characteristic peaks of Raman spectra before and after shock compression, the temperature of the sample can be estimated.
Raman scattering is used for measuring the temperature of shocked silane. The calculated temperature is 1021 K, and this result is in qualitative agreement with that calculated from the thermodynamic equation of state (950 K). The difference between the values from the two methods is 6.8%. This difference may be caused by the pressure contribution. If the pressure contribution is taken into account, the difference will be lower. So, it is hard to measure the shock temperature in the shock compression experiment. The spectral measurement of shock temperature can provide reliable results for the molecular liquid with good optical transparency.
The blue shift of Raman peak usually rises with pressure increasing.[27] Under the shock loading condition, the change of silane is related to the interaction between the molecules. The overlap of electron cloud can reduce the band gap of the system, and the repulsion force between the atoms increases gradually. We measure the vibrational frequency of the tetrahedral silane molecules as a function of force constant. The function is given by[28,29]
Transient Raman spectrum measurement is performed to characterize the high pressure and high temperature behaviors of fluid silane. The blue shift 39.4 cm−1 and broadening 85 cm−1 of Raman peak are observed. The thermodynamic equation of state is used to calculate the shocked state of the sample, and the pressure and temperature of the sample in the shock state are 10.5 GPa and 950 K. Furthermore, a similar temperature value 1031 K is obtained for the spectral measurements of the temperature. The characteristic of Si–H stretching vibration at this state is obtained.
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