Spin-dependent transport characteristics of nanostructures based on armchair arsenene nanoribbons
Yang Kai-Wei1, Li Ming-Jun1, †, Zhang Xiao-Jiao2, Li Xin-Mei1, Gao Yong-Li1, 3, Long Meng-Qiu1, ‡

(color online) (a)–(e) Energy band structures of aAsNRs with N = 6–10. The zero of energy is set at Fermi level in each system. The red (black) curves represent the spin-up (spin-down) states. (f), (g) DOS and PDOS of 10-aAsNR. (h) Spatial spin distributions (up-down) for the unit cell of 10-aAsNR. The yellow part corresponds to the spin-up electron density greater than the spin-down electron density.