Strain rate and cold rolling dependence of tensile strength and ductility in high nitrogen nickel-free austenitic stainless steel
Sun Gui-Xun1, Jiang Yue1, Zhang Xiao-Ru1, Sun Shi-Cheng2, Jiang Zhong-Hao1, †, Wang Wen-Quan1, ‡, Lian Jian-She1

(color online) FESEM images of the deformation surfaces taken at the necking region of the present HNS with cold rolling RA of 0% ((a), (b)), 10% ((c), (d)), 30% ((e), (f)), 50% ((g), (h)) deformed under two different strain rates: ((a), (c), (e), (g)) 10−4 s−1, ((b), (d), (f), (h)) 1 s−1.