Radiative divertor behavior and physics in Ar seeded plasma on EAST
Chen Jingbo1, 2, Duan Yanmin1, Yang Zhongshi1, 2, †, Wang Liang1, Wu Kai1, 2, Li Kedong1, 2, Ding Fang1, Mao Hongmin1, Xu Jichan1, 2, Gao Wei1, Zhang Ling1, Wu Jinhua1, Luo Guang-Nan1, 2, EAST Team

(color online) Profiles of (a), (b) ion saturation current, js, (c), (d) electron temperature, Te, and heat flux, qt, on outer and inner divertor targets before (e), (f) and after Ar seeding. OSP: outer strike point; ISP: inner strike point. The clear error data are marked with circles.