Odd–even harmonic emission from asymmetric molecules: Identifying the mechanism
Chen Jianguo, Yu Shujuan, Li Yanpeng, Wang Shang, Chen Yanjun

(color online) Comparisons of (a)–(c) spectra, (d)–(f) ellipticity, and (g)–(i) relevant dipoles of odd harmonics for 3D model HeH2+ with Ip = 1.1 a.u., Z1/Z2 = 1.5, and R = 1.5 a.u. at θ = 10° (the left column), θ = 30° (middle), and θ = 50° (right). The odd spectra are calculated using Eq. (1) (accurate spectra, solid-black) and Eq. (2) (spectra associated with the transition of the electron back to only the ground state, dashed-red) with short-trajectory 3D TDSE simulations. The odd dipoles are calculated using Eq. (4) (previous dipoles, solid-black) and Eq. (6) (improved dipoles, dashed-red). The log10 scale is used to show the spectra and dipoles.