Odd–even harmonic emission from asymmetric molecules: Identifying the mechanism |
(color online) Comparisons of odd (solid-black) and even (dashed-red) dipoles for HeH2+ with Ip = 2.25 a.u., Z1/Z2 = 2 at R = 2 a.u. (the left column) and R = 4 a.u. (right), obtained by different methods. In panels (a) and (b), we show the 1D exact dipoles |〈0|x|p〉|2/ω4 for the continuum state |p〉 having the odd-like (corresponding to odd dipoles) or even-like (even dipoles) parity. The continuum state |p〉 has the energy Ep = ω − Ip. Here, ω = nω0 is the assumed harmonic energy with ω0 = 0.057 a.u. (λ = 800 nm). In panels (c) and (d), we show the dipoles |Dodd(even)(θ, ω)|2/ω4 with θ = 0° obtained using Eqs. ( |
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