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In this work, we study the regional dependence of transport behavior of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris inside microfluidic channel on applied fluid flow rate. The microalgae are treated as spherical naturally buoyant particles. Deviation from the normal diffusion or Brownian transport is characterized based on the scaling behavior of the mean square displacement (MSD) of the particle trajectories by resolving the displacements in the streamwise (flow) and perpendicular directions. The channel is divided into three different flow regions, namely center region of the channel and two near-wall boundaries and the particle motions are analyzed at different flow rates. We use the scaled Brownian motion to model the transitional characteristics in the scaling behavior of the MSDs. We find that there exist anisotropic anomalous transports in all the three flow regions with mixed sub-diffusive, normal and super-diffusive behavior in both longitudinal and transverse directions.
Transport phenomena are diverse, depending on the particle characteristics, flow properties, media, and geometries of the systems. Hard microscopic spherical particles immersed in Newtonian fluid typically move in random motion due to elastic collisions with the surrounding fluid particles. This erratic motion can be modelled as random walk with properties similar to Gaussian process and the diffusion characteristics follow Fick’s law of normal diffusion, resulting in the mean square displacement (MSD) varying linearly with time lag.[1] Transport behaviors of particles of soft-particles for example from biomaterials tend to deviate from the standard normal diffusion, mainly due to complex interaction of particle elasticity, shape factor, and surface interaction, fluid hydrodynamic forces,[2] and the confinement geometries.[3–6]
Behaviors of particles in the open domain, i.e., away from the solid boundaries and subjected to the shear flow have been widely studied.[7–10] Numerical studies by Yu et al.[11] on the flow of pipe revealed that the large particle can affect instability of the flow such that the particles trigger the turbulence transition of the flow. Under the shear flow, the MSD of passive Brownian spherical particles along the streamwise direction exhibits anomalous scaling proportional to cubic power of time.[7,12] Recent numerical study on the behavior of Brownian self-driven particles at low Reynolds number in a Poiseuille flow shows that the MSD along the flow direction in short time follows the quartic time scaling behavior, whereas in longer time it always follows the quadratic time scaling behavior.[13] The surface of confinement wall greatly influences the transport behavior of particles, and even at the center of the channel, particles exhibit the sub-diffusive behavior.[14] In addition, complex multibody hydrodynamic interaction of the volumetric particles suspension induces the anomalous diffusive behavior in the direction normal to the wall, showing dependence on the distance from the particles to the wall.[15] Under an extreme confined geometry, the system exhibits the anomalous sub-diffusion known as single file diffusion (SFD), where the particles are lined-up in sequence, and incapable of passing through each other. Thus, their sequence remains unchanged over time.[16] Transient anomalous sub-diffusion, where the system exhibits the sub-diffusion behavior on a short time scale and normal diffusion in longer time is observed when the particles transported encounter obstructions.[17,18] Meanwhile, super-diffusive process is observed as the particles are transported in the crowded cellular environment.[19,20]
Particles’ motion dispersed in hard-sphere fluid is strongly influenced by the direct hydrodynamic interaction and extra friction due to distortion of pairwise distribution function of multicomponent dispersion.[21–24] The medium complexity for example highly viscous medium or crowded medium could induce anomalous transport behavior. This allows self-diffusion of the non-interacting hard sphere particles to exhibit anomalous diffusion similar to that in the system of liquid–glass transition.[25–27] Transport of soft particle are expected to exhibit higher degree of complexity due to the particle elasticity, shape, concentration and inter-particle repulsion/attraction.[4] For example, in micro-circulation of blood, the decrease of blood viscosity due to shear thinning effect influences the diameter of blood vessel relative to the cell size or shear rate.[28] In addition, the soft-matter might undergo deformation due to the applied flow.[29] Cross-stream lateral migration of soft-deformable particles can be attributed to the asymmetric hydrodynamic field produced by an elastic particle near a wall. The resulting unbalanced fluid stress at the particle surface causes the forces to push the particles away from the wall. In a numerical study by Chen,[4] it was demonstrated that the migration of soft particles away from the wall to an off-center position is dependent on particle deformation.
The use of microfluidic chip as a lab-on-chip device to study diverse flows and geometry effects is becoming increasingly popular. The microfluidic channel opens up numerous possibilities for well-controlled settings to study flow behavior,[30] fluid phases transition,[31] flow control,[32] mixing process,[33] particles separation,[34] and particle focusing.[35] The dynamic of particles inside the microfluidic system has been studied by numerous groups[36–38] through using particle tracking techniques.
In this study, we focus on the biological system, namely Chlorella vulgaris (C vulgaris); a non-motile spherical freshwater unicellular alga, which is widely studied for its usage as biomass source in biofuels production.[39,40] The algae suspension is a complex fluid composed of water, polymeric substances and dissolved salts, algae cell, and insoluble solids.[41] The presence of the polymeric substances such as extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) has been shown to make algae suspension[42] to behave as a non-Newtonian fluid. Moreover, the presence of viscoelastic algae cells and cell debris also leads to non-Newtonian behavior.[43]
The objectives of this study are to examine the motion of soft particles, C Vulgaris inside the narrow microfluidic channel/confinement, subjected to the variation of flow rate. The regional dependence of particle transport characteristics is also examined. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
The dynamics of particles transport has been investigated in a number of studies. The commonly used framework is the theory of Brownian motion, which can model a variety of transport phenomena that exhibit MSD, and is defined as[1]
A random process the correlation function and variance
The deviation of the MSD from the linear time dependent law may take the following form:
Microalgae particles Chlorella vulgaris (UMACC 001) as shown in Fig.
Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration was determined via spectrophotometric method (Strickland & Parson, 1968). Firstly, a 20-mL algal culture collected on a glass-fiber filter paper (Whatman GF/C,
Carotenoid content of microalgae was determined with the same method used for determining the Chl-a, however the supernatant absorption was measured at 452 nm (IO452 nm). The absorbance of the pigment was extracted following the colorimetric method described by Vonshak and Borowitzka.[47] Carotenoid content was then calculated as
The potential stability of the colloidal system, i.e., whether the cell will aggregate or disaggregate depends on the magnitude of zeta potential.[48] Zeta potential is the measure of surface charges of cell where high potential corresponds to strong electrical repulsion between the algal cells, which leads to highly stable suspension. Meanwhile, lower Zeta potential means that the particles will attract each other by the van der Waals force and flocculated effect.[49] Zeta potential was measured via a zeta analyzer (Malvern Instruments Ltd.) with water as dispersant. Fresh algae medium solution, BBM at pH 6 was used as the background fluid. The viscosity of the BBM was measured by using falling ball viscometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and repeated five times to obtain the average. Results of algae and medium parameters characterizations are summarized in table
![]() | Table 1.
Algae and medium parameters characterization results. . |
The presence of ionic group such as carboxyl and phosphate in C Vulgaris cell wall leads to the formation of negatively charged surface.[50] We will now refer to microalgae as the particle in our next discussion unless otherwise mentioned.
Experiment was conducted via a microfluidic chip device in a pressure-driven control system as shown in Fig.
The chip was initially filled with deionized water, and then the BBM solution with a flow rate of
The procedures for particle tracking involves two steps, namely (i) segmentation step thereby the particles are identified from the background in each frame, and (ii) linking step: identifying similar particles from frame to frame and making connections.[36] The implementation of the individual particle tracking was performed using FIJI Track Mate plug in particle tracking open source software.[51] The outcomes of these procedures are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Visualization of images preprocessing: (a) raw input image, (b) far field correction, (c) image enhancement, (d) pseudo-fluorescence image, and (e) particle detection. |
Raw images obtained from the microfluidic experiment were hardly visible as shown in Fig.
Dirt on the camera lens is a common type of artifact in digital imaging system as spotted in the image shown in Fig.
For this pressure driven flow system, we assumed the uniform Poiseuille flow profile has been fully developed inside the microchannel. In this flow, near the channel wall region, velocity of flow was minimal while maximum velocity developed near the center of the channel as illustrated in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Schematic diagram of studied problems. The lighter color areas refer to near wall boundaries NB1 and NB2, respectively. The darker color region represents the center region C. |
Therefore, we grouped the particle trajectories with respect to the region of flow profile, namely near the wall boundary NB1 near the wall boundary NB2 and center C. In order to roughly estimate the flow regions, we used the expected equilibrium position migration of particles termed as Segré–Silberberg radius,[4,52,53] which is 60% with respect to the center plane as our reference. For the symmetrical rectangular channel of
Trajectories of individual particles were found using the FIJI plug in algorithm that links a particle in one field to the most probable closest particle in the next field with travel distance less than inter particles spacing. The relevant particles trajectories were chosen based on imposed criterions on the mean velocity, duration of track, displacement and number of spots to avoid tracking “fake” particles. In addition, due to the presence of upper wall in z direction some of the particles might turn stuck and become immobile. These immobile particles were excluded from our analysis.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Representative sample of particles trajectories under flow rates of (a) ![]() ![]() |
Trajectories of the particles under flow rate
We used the time averaged MSD (TAMSD) at lag time τ over a trajectory length M to characterize the particle dynamic
In the direction perpendicular to the flow (Fig.
Under slow flow rate
Under fast flow at
There are noticeable changes of scaling behaviors as we observe two power law behaviors at both slow and fast flow. Thus, one can model the transition based on the SBM by introducing different scaling exponents for short time α1 and long time α2 as shown below.
![]() | Table 2.
MSDs scaling in perpendicular direction results. . |
Presuming that both the NB1 and NB2 regions are symmetrical with respect to the center C, we observed that the scaling exponents obtained are different as seen from the results in table
Next, as we compare regions NB1 and NB2 with region C, the percentage differences of scaling exponent α1 are 19.0% and 17.1%, respectively for 0.2
In our initial assumptions, the C Vulgaris cells are considered to behave like passive tracers where the effects of their mass and inertia are negligible. Thus, the cells will instantaneously acquire the velocity profile from the fluid flow. However, C Vulgaris is a naturally buoyant and finite-size particle. Finite-size particles have finite sizes and mass values. Due to the particle’s inertia, they are not able to instantaneously adapt themselves to fluid velocity as described by the Maxey–Riley equation.[55] It is worth mentioning here that the addition of the stochastic term in the Maxey–Riley equation can gives rise to the fluctuation on the path experienced by the particle.[56]
Introduction of the cross-over time,
For the flow rate of
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) Log–log plots of MSD at streamwise direction versus lag time for three different regions NB1 (blue circles), NB2 (green triangles), and C (red rectangle) at (a) ![]() ![]() |
The percentage difference in scaling exponent α1 between NB1 region and NB2 region is 5.0% and that in scaling exponent α2 is 4.4% for
Comparing the scaling exponents in regions NB1 and NB2 with that in region C, we note that percentage differences of 1.7% and 3.5%, respectively for α1, while for α2 the percentage differences are both 2.2%. Again, this result indicates the near symmetrical behavior of the particles in both regions NB1 and NB2. Surprisingly, we find the small reduction in the scaling exponent values of α1 and α2 in region C compared with those in the NB1 region (see table
At a higher flow rate of
Like the case of perpendicular direction, we observe noticeable changes in scaling behavior only at the lower flow rate and the MSDs shows mono-scaling behavior for higher flow rate. We note that the crossover time appears at
![]() | Table 3.
MSD scales in streamwise direction. . |
The limitations and sources of error of the system used in this study, which may affect the accuracy of the MSD values are briefly discussed below. Among the factors that influence the microfluidic chip operation and contribute to experimental errors are the instability of the applied pressure at low flow rate, unpredictable pressure differences, change of pH of the suspension from the algae cell activities, and heating of solution due to constant exposure to light from illumination source. Since the flow rate plays a key role in microfluidic system operation, the feedback control between the pressure controllers with flow sensor is monitored constantly. Yet, there is possibility that the particle will accumulate in the sensor capillary. Therefore, to ensure that the flow rate feedback is accurate, the device must be cleaned after use to prevent the solids from depositing.
A critical parameter for high quality fast video-based particle tracking is the number of photons that can be detected by the camera CCD array. Higher frame rate means that the shorter exposure, which implies higher illumination level, is needed. Therefore, as the frame rate increases, spatial resolution decreases. For the future study, the accuracy of particle tracking experiment at the high flow rate can be improved by using coherent light source to provide high and focused illumination without damaging the cells. In addition, burst of high frame rate is also limited by computer memory, leading to small sampling time and additional issues in data processing. The accuracy of TAMSD calculation depends on the algorithm used for particle tracking. During the pre-processing stage, there are possibilities to artificially create spurious spots, which may lead to the creation of artificial ‘particles’ and hence trajectories. A careful observation shows that the artificial particles due to the noise induced image artifacts are dim and smaller, while the aggregates of endogenous particles are large and bright. To improve accuracy, we manually examine the observed trajectories by closely following the consecutive frames to ensure that the proper trajectories are used for determining the time average mean squared displacements.
In this work, we studied the transport of colloidal microalgae Chlorella vulgaris as soft-particles in microfluidic channel. We focused on the analysis of MSD measured with high-speed video camera particle tracking. A systematic study is performed on the effect of the flow field velocity of the particle dynamics in two near wall boundary regions and the the channel center region developed in the microchannel. In addition, we also studied the effect of the magnitude of velocity profile, which is measured in volumetric flow rate and the effect on the dynamics of the particles in the local regions. We find that the anisotropic diffusions across all the regions exist in both streamwise and tangential directions at all applied flow rates. Interestingly, the particles show that the scaling behavior transits from slow dynamic in a short time to the fast dynamic in a longer time and this transition disappears only at the streamwise in high flow rate. This transition can be modelled by Scaled Brownian Motion model. The particles exhibit anomalous transport and normal transport under slow flow and retain the anomaly in fast flow. In perspective of application, the results of this study can be used for optimizing the mixing process, spreading the microalgae, and the flow implementation in photobioreactors. Additionally, the results also give better fundamental understanding of the passive biomaterial transport that can be used for controlling the microscale process in future micro-array photobioreactor.
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