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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51671114) and the Special Funding in the Project of the Taishan Scholar Construction Engineering and National Key Research Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0300501).
Electronic transport properties of single-wall boron nanotube (BNT) with different chiralities, diameters, some of which are encapsulated with silicon, germanium, and boron nanowires are theoretically studied. The results indicate that the zigzag (3,3) BNT has more electronic transmission channels than the armchair (5,0) BNT because of its unique structure distortion. Nanowires encapsulated in the BNT can enhance the conductance of the BNT to some extent by providing a significant electronic transmission channel to the BNT. The effect of the structure of nanowires and the diameter of BNTs on the transport properties has also been discussed. The results of this paper can enrich the knowledge of the electron transport of the BNT and provide theoretical guidance for subsequent experimental study.
The low-dimensional structure of the carbon element, such as carbon nanowires, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene, and carbon nanoribbons have attracted a great deal of attention because of their unique structure and special physical properties.[1–3] These carbon materials can be used in nanoscale electron devices.[4,5] However, the properties of CNTs show either conductors or semiconductors depending on their diameters and chirality,[6] which restricts a variety of the promising applications for CNTs. Therefore, it is urgent to seek a new alternative one-dimensional material.
Recently, the nanostructure of the boron element, the neighbor of the carbon element in the periodic table, has arosed a lot of interest because it is predicted to have good properties. Boustani et al.[7] firstly studied the boron sheet and boron nanotubes, who found that the BNTs are composed of a triangular lattice or fold triangular lattice. Although this kind of structure is considered to be unstable in later studies, it opened a door to the investigations and applications of BNTs. Ciuparu et al.[8] firstly experimentally synthesized the pure BNT, to proved the existence of BNT, but not determine its lattice structure. Since then, much work has been done to predict the lattice structure of BNT, such as the earliest buckled triangular (BT) structure,[9–11] the distorted hexagonal (DH) structure,[12] and mixed triangular-hexagonal (α-sheet, β-sheet) structure.[13–16] Theoretical studies demonstrated that the α-sheet is the relatively stable structure of boron sheet and the nanotubes obtained from the α-sheet agree well with the experiment.[17]
A great deal of advances have been made on the properties of the BNTs. Bezugly et al. studied the armchair (64,0) and zigzag (36,36) BNTs derived from the α-sheet, having diameters of 10.2 nm and 9.9 nm respectively and drew the conclusion that they behave as metals.[16] Yang et al.[18] studied the zigzag (7,7), (3,3), and armchair (5,0) BNTs, and showed that the (7,7) BNT is metal while the (5,0) and (3,3) BNTs are semiconductors. Singh et al.[14] studied a series of BNTs with different diameters and chirality and showed that all the BNTs with smaller diameters are semiconducting regardless of their chirality, while BNTs with the larger diameter are metals. Szwacki et al.[19] predicted that all the BNTs obtained from the α-sheet are free from structural distortions; therefore, they are all conductors. Tang et al.[20] studied the electronic properties of these nanotubes, and found that small-diameter BNTs are semiconducting and the semiconducting nature is robust under various perturbations and fluctuations. Some researches indicate that nanowires encapsulated in nanotubes can change their performance.[21,22] Choi et al.[23] studied the variety of Cu nanowires structure encapsulated in CNTs. Weissmann et al.[24] studied the structure and magnetic properties of Fe nanowires encapsulated in CNTs. Zhang et al.[25] tried to insert the Si, Ge, Sn nanowires into CNTs to control the performance of CNTs and nanowires.
Despite all of these achievements, investigation of the electrical transport properties of the BNTs is limited for the following reasons. On the one hand, the lattice structure of BNTs still needs to be determined experimentally and even their existence is still debated. On the other hand, the experimental conditions (reactant gases, vacuum condition, nanosized catalyst) of synthesizing the pure BNT is limited.[26–28] While molecular simulation technology can solve these problem. Therefore, detailed study of the electrical transport properties of BNTs is very timely. Thus, the purpose of this work is to use molecular simulations to systematically study the electrical transport properties of the BNTs.
First-principle computation has been performed by the software package CASTEP, based on the density functional theory (DFT) and pseudopotential plane wave.[29] The generalized gradient approximations (GGA)[30] and Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) change correlation function[31] are used. Special k-point of 2 × 2 × 4 were employed. The calculation was run using the ultra-soft pseudopotential (USPs).[32] Geometry optimization calculations have been done to obtain the structure of nanowires encapsulated in BNTs using the module Forcite with the universal force field and the number of the max iterations is 10
The quantum electrical transport properties of these BNTs are obtained by a self-consistent calculation based on the nonequilibrium Green function (NEGF) and extended Huckel theory (EHT)[33] using the Atomistix ToolKit software package (ATK). Special k-points of 1 × 1 × 100 were employed. Au (111) films are used as contacts. The schematic representation of the device of BNTs is shown in Fig.
In this calculation, BNT-Au (111) contact distance is constant when BNTs changed. The vertical distance between the end atoms of the BNT and the Au contacts is set to 1.811 Å. The length of BNT is equal to 10 B–B bonds length (17 Å).
The transmission T is a measure of probability of electrons transmitting from the source to the drain contacts through the BNT and it can be shown as follows:
Furthermore, there is no energy gap at the Fermi energy in the DOS, indicating a typical metallic behavior. The insets in Figs.
The band structure and Bloch states for the (5,0) and (3,3) BNTs are shown in Figs.
As far as these three nanowires are concerned, silicon nanowire can improve not only the electrical conductivity of the (5,0) boron nanotube, but also enhance the electrical conductivity of the (3,3) boron nanotube around the Fermi energy. Germanium nanowire has some effect on the electronic transport properties of the (3,3) boron nanotube but not on the (5,0) boron nanotube. Boron nanowire can improve the electrical conductivity of the (3,3) more greatly than that of the (5,0) boron nanotube.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Partial density of states for armchair (5,0) boron nanotube encapsulated with the silicon nanowire. The Fermi level is set to be zero. |
Obviously, with the diameter of the BNTs increasing continuously, the structure of nanowires varies from monoatomic chain, to double helical chain, and three-spiral chain. Silicon nanowire formed in the (3,3) BNT, whose diameter is 8.5 Å, is monoatomic chain and the electronic transport properties of the BNT have smaller increments (as shown in Fig.
The insets in Figs.
Electronic transport properties of single-wall boron nanotubes encapsulated with silicon, germanium, and boron nanowires have been studied by using a self-consistent calculation based on the EHT and NEGF. The results indicate that the electronic transport properties of BNTs are related to their chirality and diameter. First, the zigzag (3,3) BNT has more electronic transmission channels than the armchair (5,0) BNT because of its unique structure distortion. Second, nanowires encapsulated in the BNT can enhance the conductance of the BNT to some extent by providing a significant electronic transmission channel to the BNT. The extra transmission channel is mainly composed of p orbitals of the atoms in nanowire. This work provides insight into the electronic transport properties of BNTs.
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