Electronic structure of heavy fermion system CePt2In7 from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Shen Bing1, 2, Yu Li1, †, Liu Kai3, Lyu Shou-Peng1, 2, Jia Xiao-Wen1, 4, Bauer E D5, Thompson J D5, Zhang Yan1, 2, Wang Chen-Lu1, 2, Hu Cheng1, 2, Ding Ying1, 2, Sun Xuan1, 2, Hu Yong1, 2, Liu Jing1, 2, Gao Qiang1, 2, Zhao Lin1, Liu Guo-Dong1, Xu Zu-Yan6, Chen Chuang-Tian6, Lu Zhong-Yi3, ‡, Zhou X J1, 2, 7, §

Band structure of CePt2In7 measured along three typical momentum cuts. The photon electric field direction is along diagonal direction, i.e., 45 degree rotated with respect to the case in Fig. 6. (a1)–(a3) Band structure measured along a momentum cut around point. The location of the momentum cut is shown by the pink arrowed line in the inset of (a1). The pink dashed line in Fig. 7(a2) marks a possible extra band between the M1 and M2 bands. (b1)–(b3) Band structure measured along direction. The location of the momentum cut is shown by the pink arrowed line in the inset of (b1). (c1)–(c3) Band structure measured along a cut crossing point. The location of the momentum cut is shown by the pink arrowed line in the inset of (c1). (a1), (b1), and (c1) are original data. (a2), (b2), and (c2) are second derivative images of the original data with respect to energy. (a3), (b3), and (c3) are second derivative images of the original data with respect to momentum.