Electronic structure of heavy fermion system CePt2In7 from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy |
Calculated band structure of CePt2In7 along high-symmetry directions of the Brillouin zone (BZ). (a) Calculated results without including spin-orbital-coupling (SOC). (b) Calculated band structure including the SOC. (c) Calculated band structure with the on-site Coulomb repulsion (effective U = 3.0 eV). (d) Calculated band structure with the orbital characteristics marked. The red dots represent the Ce-4f orbitals, the blue dots represent the In-5p orbitals, and the green dots represent the Pt-5d orbitals. The size of the dots represents the related orbital weight. (e) The total and partial density of states corresponding to calculations (a). (f) Bulk Brillouin zone of CePt2In7 with high symmetry momentum points marked. The locations of G, X, N, and M points are at |