Quantum interference between heralded single photon state and coherent state
Yang Lei1, Ma Xiaoxin2, Li Xiaoying1, †

(color online) The interference visibility V versus the coherent state intensity with different temporal-mode matching coefficients. The blue diamonds are experimental data obtained when the FWHMs of the pump, signal, idler, and coherent photons are 0.6 nm, 0.14 nm, 1.17 nm, and 0.69 nm, respectively, corresponding to the parameters , , , and of 0.282 TRad, 0.062 TRad, 0.564 TRad, and 0.332 TRad, other parameters , , , , calculated , ; the pink solid circles are experimental data obtained when the FWHMs of the pump, signal, idler, and coherent photons are 0.6 nm, 1.12 nm, 1.17 nm, and 0.9 nm, respectively, corresponding to the parameters , , , and of 0.282 TRad, 0.53 TRad, 0.564 TRad, and 0.434 TRad, other parameters , , , , calculated , . The solid-blue and dash-dotted pink lines are the theoretical curves using experimental parameters.