Tunable charge density wave in TiS3 nanoribbons*

Project supported by the National Young 1000-Talent Plan and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61322407, 11474058, and 61674040).

Huang Ce1, 2, Zhang Enze1, 2, Yuan Xiang1, 2, Wang Weiyi1, 2, Liu Yanwen1, 2, Zhang Cheng1, 2, Ling Jiwei1, 2, Liu Shanshan1, 2, Xiu Faxian1, 2, 3, †

(color online) Synthesis and characterizations of TiS nanoribbons. (a) The TiS crystal structure. Ti atoms are covalently bonded to six S atoms forming triangular prisms which are stacked to make chains. (b) The optical microscopy image of TiS nanoribbons on an SiO /Si substrate. (c) The SEM image of TiS nanoribbons. Inset: single TiS nanoribbon. (d) The EDX spectrum of TiS nanoribbons with the atomic ratio of Ti/S of 1:3. (e) The Raman spectrum of the individual TiS nanoribbon on SiO /Si substrate at room temperature using a 532-nm laser source.