Anisotropic and mutable magnetization in Kondo lattice CeSb2
Zhang Yun1, 2, Zhu Xiegang1, Hu Bingfeng3, Tan Shiyong1, Xie Donghua1, Feng Wei1, Qin Liu1, Zhang Wen1, Liu Yu5, 6, Song Haifeng5, 6, Luo Lizhu1, Zhang Zhengjun4, Lai Xinchun1, †

(color online) Magnetic susceptibility measurements of CeSb2 with H || [010]. (a1) Side view of the crystal structure of CeSb2. (a2) top view of crystal surface of CeSb2 along [001] direction. (a3) LEED pattern for the as-grown facet of CeSb2 single crystal. The red arrows indicate the in-plane [100] and [010] directions. (b)–(c) Zero-field cooling (ZFC) magnetic susceptibility of CeSb2 with different magnetic fields along [010] direction. The insert in Fig. 2(b) is the results of the ZFC and FC magnetic susceptibility measurements. (d) Magnetization isotherms for CeSb2 at different temperatures with H || [010]. The curves in Fig. 2(d) are shifted for a better view.