Doping Mn into (Li OHFe Se superconducting crystals via ion-exchange and ion-release/introduction syntheses
Zhou Huaxue1, 2, †, Ni Shunli2, 3, †, Yuan Jie2, 3, Li Jun4, Feng Zhongpei2, 3, Jiang Xingyu2, 3, Huang Yulong2, 3, Liu Shaobo2, 3, Mao Yiyuan2, 3, Zhou Fang2, 3, Jin Kui2, 3, Dong Xiaoli2, 3, ‡, Zhao Zhongxian2, 3

(a) The XRD patterns of (00l) type for undoped (Li Fe OHFe Se and Mn-doped (Li Fe OHFe Se crystals grown via ion exchange (1-step) and ion release/introduction (2-step). (b) Zoom-in (006) peaks, showing the position shift from left to right for 2-step and more remarkable for 1-step. (c) and (d) The XRD data collected uniformly in 9 different regions on the same sample for 1-step and 2-step samples, respectively.