Field-free molecular orientation enhanced by tuning the intensity ratio of a three-color laser field
Huang Zhi-Yuan1, Wang Ding1, Lang Zheng2, Li Wen-Kai1, Zhao Rui-Rui1, Leng Yu-Xin1, †

(color online) (a) The maximum degree of the positive (blue circles lines) and negative (red squares lines) orientation for different CEP with total laser intensity of 1×10 W/cm2 and temperature of 10 K. (b)–(i) The field envelope with various CEP from 0 to 1.75π. The time evolution of molecular orientation; blue solid, red dotted, and green dash-dotted lines correspond to 0, 0.5π, π for (j) and 0.25π, 0.75π, 1.25π for (k). (l) The corresponding asymmetric degree of the three-color laser field with different CEP.