The origin of spin current in YIG/nonmagnetic metal multilayers at ferromagnetic resonance |
(color online) (a) The FMR derivative absorption spectra of free YIG and YIG/Pt bilayer strip with θ = 0° (θ is the angle between microwave field and the sample long edges). The lower panel is the corresponding DC-voltage (bottom) spectra of YIG/Pt bilayer schematically illustrated on the right. The left inset is the schematic diagram of the electrical. The right inset shows the sample structure YIG/Pt stripe. (b) The fit of FMR spectrum of YIG/Pt strip obtained with antenna effect by three FMR signals respectively for free YIG, YIG covered with Pt, and magnetized Pt surface in contact with YIG. The DC signal agrees with the assertion of spin pumping from the magnetized Pt surface. (c) The FMR derivative microwave absorption (upper) and DC-voltage (lower) spectra of fully covered YIG/Pt bilayer (illustrated in the lower left) with θ = 170° (field was reversed so that the voltage polarity is changed). The inset shows the YIG sample fully covered by Pt. (d) The FMR spectrum of fully covered YIG/Pt bilayer with the antenna effect is best fitted by two FMR signals from YIG covered with Pt and magnetized Pt surface. The corresponding DC-voltage signal was from the magnetized Pt surface. The unit a.u. is short for arbitrary unit. |
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