Electric current-induced giant electroresistance in La0.36Pr0.265Ca0.375MnO3 thin films
Sun Yinghui1, Zhao Yonggang2, 3, Wang Rongming1, †

(color online) (a) Temperature dependence of resistance for the unpatterned LPCMO film under different dc currents. The currents are 1, 200, 500 µA, and 1 mA, with the corresponding current densities of 0.33, 66.7, 1.67×102, 3.33×102 A/cm2, respectively. The measurement configuration is shown in the inset. The separation between the voltage pads is about 80 µm. (b) Temperature dependence of electroresistance (ER) under different currents. Inset shows the normalized peak resistance variation with current for the unpatterned and patterned LPCMO film.